Security News > 2020 > January > Albany Airport Pays Off Sodinokibi Ransomware Gang: Report

Albany Airport Pays Off Sodinokibi Ransomware Gang: Report
2020-01-13 17:03

Officials at the Albany International Airport paid a ransom to cybercriminals after the facility's systems were hit with the Sodiniokibi ransomware strain on Christmas, the Albany Times Union reports.

At no point did the ransomware attack affect the airport's day-to-day operations, airport officials said.

Albany Airport CEO Phil Calderone told the Times Union that the ransomware incident happened in the early hours of Dec. 25, when the attackers infiltrated the facility's maintenance servers, which are managed by Logical Net, a cloud and hosting managed service provider based in Schenectady, New York.

While the ransomware spread to other parts of the airport's main system and encrypted files, including back-up storage systems and Microsoft Excel documents that contained airport budget data, the cybercriminals did not access airline customers' information, including credit card numbers and other data, according to the report.

"The airport authority's decision to pay is unlikely to have any bearing on the Sodinokibi operators' negotiations with Travelex. This is a well-established ransomware group, and the fact that one organization chose to pay is unlikely to alter their strategy."

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