Security News > 2020 > January > ISARA showcases first quantum-safe connected car

ISARA showcases first quantum-safe connected car
2020-01-07 14:48

ISARA is among several Canadian technology innovators selected by the APMA - Canada's national automotive association representing OEM producers of parts, equipment, tools, supplies, advanced technology, and services for the worldwide automotive industry - for inclusion in the demonstration car at APMA's booth within the Smart Cities showcase.

"As cars become ever smarter and more connected, data security is an integral component of driver safety," said ISARA CEO and Co-founder Scott Totzke.

"Automakers must begin preparing their quantum-safe migration plans now to ensure that the promise of technological advances like self-driving vehicles can be realized with confidence. Cars in development today will be on the road well into the timeframe that we expect a practical, operational quantum computer. Tools exist today to ensure that tomorrow's cars remain safe and secure."

For the luxury electric Karma Revero GT demonstration car, commercially released products including the ISARA Catalyst TLS Testbed were used to create a secure connection using hybrid cryptography that combines ECDH and Kyber for key establishment and Dilithium for authentication - all algorithms implemented in the commercially available ISARA Radiate Quantum-safe Toolkit.

"iNAGO's netpeople assistant platform helps automotive companies deliver connected content and services that are unique to the car and personalized to each driver, so a lot of personal information travels across our networks that we need to keep private for drivers and for auto makers," said Ron DiCarlantonio, iNAGO founder and CEO. "ISARA's tools were vital to creating a secure environment that didn't slow down data transfer to create a seamless experience that users can enjoy with confidence."

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