Security News > 2017

Trend Micro security researchers recently discovered a highly targeted piece of malware designed to steal information read more

A Nigerian national has been sentenced by a United States court to 41 months in prison for his role in business email compromise (BEC) scams, the Department of Justice announced on Thursday. read more

A new survey of 1,000 Americans exploring awareness and perceptions of biometric authentication confirms that consumers continue to have a strong interest in new biometric technologies that make...

Industry analyst firm Quocirca surveyed 500 IT decision makers in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia and Japan, examining attitudes towards the value of confidential data...

Interesting research: The trick in accurately tracking a person with this method is finding out what kind of activity they're performing. Whether they're walking, driving a car, or riding in a...

Synaptics says recent reports inaccurately characterized a debugging tool found in its touchpad drivers as a keylogger, but the company has decided to remove the functionality from its products. read more

Fox-IT, the Netherlands-based cybersecurity firm owned by NCC Group, revealed on Thursday that it had been the victim of a man-in-the-middle (MitM) attack made possible by DNS records getting...

Security researchers have uncovered another nasty piece of malware designed specifically to target industrial control systems (ICS) with a potential to cause health and life-threatening accidents....

Net neutrality is DEAD—5 out of 3 federal regulators have voted Thursday to hand control of the future of the Internet to cable and telecommunication companies, giving them powers to speed up...

Synaptics said reports that hundreds of HP laptops contained a secret keylogger that traced back to debugger software made by the company are inaccurate.