Security News > 2015 > September

Attackers posing as legitimate insiders still an enormous security risk (Help Net Security)
2015-09-30 10:07

Cyber attacks that exploit privileged and administrative accounts – the credentials used to manage and run an organization’s IT infrastructure – represent the greatest enterprise security risks. ...

Companies leave vulnerabilities unpatched for up to 120 days (Help Net Security)
2015-09-30 08:30

Kenna studied the proliferation of non-targeted attacks and companies’ ability to mitigate these threats through the timely remediation of security vulnerabilities in their software and network device...

Women represent only 10% of the infosec workforce (Help Net Security)
2015-09-30 07:30

Surveying nearly 14,000 global professionals, a new (ISC)2 report focuses on the lack of gender diversity in the information security workforce despite a cyber landscape that is growing and changing i...

File insecurity: the final data leakage frontier (Help Net Security)
2015-09-30 07:00

The growth of cloud and mobile computing, the ease at which files can be shared and the diversity of collaboration methods, applications and devices have all contributed to the frequency of file data ...

VBA malware is back! (Help Net Security)
2015-09-30 06:22

VBA malware is far from dead. In fact, as Sophos researchers recently noted, approximately 50 to 100 new VBA malware samples are spotted each day. For those who don't know, VBA (Visual Basic for Ap...