Security News > 2006

VA Asking for More Money After Data Theft
2006-06-28 05:13 By HOPE YEN The Associated Press June 27, 2006 WASHINGTON -- Veterans Affairs Secretary Jim Nicholson promised...

FTC attorney's laptops stolen
2006-06-23 19:39 By Hope Yen Associated Press 06/22/2006 WASHINGTON -- The government agency charged with fighting identity theft said Thursday it had lost two...

Voylent beta released for public download
2006-06-22 07:29

Voylent beta released for public download Voylent is a client for cellphones that encrypts voice conversations (IP support not available in this version). We have just released our first public...

Suspected Chinese hacker attacks target AIT, MND
2006-06-19 07:44 STAFF WRITER June 19, 2006 The American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and the Ministry of National Defense (MND) were both...

...and now a word from one of our sponsors II
2006-06-16 08:29 After a frustrating day at the coke web site ( which leads to another server/domain), I finally got all the FAQs and rules to...

Black Hat Speakers + 2005 Content on-line
2006-06-14 08:06

Forwarded from: Jeff Moss -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hello ISN readers, I have a brief announcement I would like to make. The speaker selection for Black Hat USA 2006 is now...

...and now a word from one of our long time sponsors
2006-06-14 08:04 Cliff Notes: If you drink Coca-Cola products, email the 'coke reward' code to cokerewards () attrition org to support a bunch of wack job...

Japanese virus shares private info
2006-06-13 12:08 The Sydney Morning Herald June 13, 2006 A computer virus that targets the popular file-sharing...

Academy hackers under investigation
2006-06-09 16:44 By DAVE GROVES Of The Oakland Press June 8, 2006 BLOOMFIELD HILLS - The principal of the acclaimed International Academy said he...

IRS Laptop Lost With Data on 291 People
2006-06-08 09:05 By Christopher Lee Washington Post Staff Writer June 8, 2006 An Internal Revenue Service employee lost an...