Security News > 2005 > July > Fake Microsoft security alert includes Trojan patch

Fake Microsoft security alert includes Trojan patch
2005-07-01 09:36,10801,102907,00.html By Robert McMillan JUNE 30, 2005 IDG NEWS SERVICE A new wave of spam that disguises itself as a Microsoft Corp. security bulletin contains a link to malicious software that gives attackers complete access to the infected machine, security researchers are reporting. The e-mail, which began circulating late Tuesday, identifies itself as Microsoft Security Bulletin MS05-039, and offers a link to what it claims is a patch against the Sober Zafi and Mytob worms. In fact, there is no such thing as Microsoft Security Bulletin MS05-039, and real Microsoft security bulletins offer links to a Microsoft download site, rather than to the patches themselves, said Mikko Hypponen, director of antivirus research at F-Secure Corp. The phony patch is a variant of the SDBot Trojan software, which is at present not detected by antivirus software products, according to a report from security research firm WebSense Inc. The risk of someone downloading this Trojan appears to be very low right now, because the server hosting the Trojan downloads no longer appears to be active, Hypponen said. That server, which appeared to be hosted by Internet Services Inc., apparently has exceeded its allowed bandwidth, he said. "I think this particular case is not going to be a problem anymore, but nevertheless I think it was a fairly interesting case," Hypponen said. "I wouldn't be surprised to see more of this happening." The Swen e-mail worm, which began circulating in 2003, used a similar technique, he said. _________________________________________ Attend the Black Hat Briefings and Training, Las Vegas July 23-28 - 2,000+ international security experts, 10 tracks, no vendor pitches.

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