Security News > 2000 > December > Re: FTC Denies Web Site Security Hole

Forwarded by: Kitetoa Funny how people can "angrily refute" the truth. The FTC site have been vulnerable to this bug as many, many other .gov or .mil sites for years. If anyone is interested, I could look into my old screenshots, somewhere on a Zip disk to send to the list the proof that the FTC was not quite secure... By the way, if you guys (and girls) are interested in this Netscape bug, you can see, using the folowing URL, that even the White house Web server was vulnerable until we notified the Webmaster... Funny heh? Best, K. -----Message d'origine----- De : InfoSec News ? : ISN () SECURITYFOCUS COM Date : jeudi 14 d?cembre 2000 07:16 Objet : [ISN] FTC Denies Web Site Security Hole
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