Vulnerabilities > Microsoft > Windows 10 > 1803

2018-09-13 CVE-2018-8271 Information Exposure vulnerability in Microsoft products
An information disclosure vulnerability exists in Windows when the Windows bowser.sys kernel-mode driver fails to properly handle objects in memory, aka "Windows Information Disclosure Vulnerability." This affects Windows 7, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows RT 8.1, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 10, Windows 10 Servers.
low complexity
microsoft CWE-200
2018-09-13 CVE-2018-0965 Improper Input Validation vulnerability in Microsoft Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016
A remote code execution vulnerability exists when Windows Hyper-V on a host server fails to properly validate input from an authenticated user on a guest operating system, aka "Windows Hyper-V Remote Code Execution Vulnerability." This affects Windows Server 2016, Windows 10, Windows 10 Servers.
low complexity
microsoft CWE-20
2018-09-06 CVE-2018-5391 Improper Input Validation vulnerability in multiple products
The Linux kernel, versions 3.9+, is vulnerable to a denial of service attack with low rates of specially modified packets targeting IP fragment re-assembly.
2018-08-15 CVE-2018-8414 Improper Input Validation vulnerability in Microsoft Windows 10 and Windows Server
A remote code execution vulnerability exists when the Windows Shell does not properly validate file paths, aka "Windows Shell Remote Code Execution Vulnerability." This affects Windows 10 Servers, Windows 10.
microsoft CWE-20
2018-08-15 CVE-2018-8406 Improper Resource Shutdown or Release vulnerability in Microsoft Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016
An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists when the DirectX Graphics Kernel (DXGKRNL) driver improperly handles objects in memory, aka "DirectX Graphics Kernel Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability." This affects Windows Server 2016, Windows 10, Windows 10 Servers.
low complexity
microsoft CWE-404
2018-08-15 CVE-2018-8405 Improper Resource Shutdown or Release vulnerability in Microsoft products
An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists when the DirectX Graphics Kernel (DXGKRNL) driver improperly handles objects in memory, aka "DirectX Graphics Kernel Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability." This affects Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows RT 8.1, Windows Server 2016, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 10 Servers.
low complexity
microsoft CWE-404
2018-08-15 CVE-2018-8404 Improper Resource Shutdown or Release vulnerability in Microsoft products
An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists in Windows when the Win32k component fails to properly handle objects in memory, aka "Win32k Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability." This affects Windows 7, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 10, Windows 10 Servers.
low complexity
microsoft CWE-404
2018-08-15 CVE-2018-8403 Out-of-bounds Write vulnerability in Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer
A remote code execution vulnerability exists in the way that Microsoft browsers access objects in memory, aka "Microsoft Browser Memory Corruption Vulnerability." This affects Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer 10.
high complexity
microsoft CWE-787
2018-08-15 CVE-2018-8401 Improper Resource Shutdown or Release vulnerability in Microsoft Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016
An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists when the DirectX Graphics Kernel (DXGKRNL) driver improperly handles objects in memory, aka "DirectX Graphics Kernel Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability." This affects Windows Server 2016, Windows 10, Windows 10 Servers.
low complexity
microsoft CWE-404
2018-08-15 CVE-2018-8400 Improper Resource Shutdown or Release vulnerability in Microsoft Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016
An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists when the DirectX Graphics Kernel (DXGKRNL) driver improperly handles objects in memory, aka "DirectX Graphics Kernel Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability." This affects Windows 10 Servers, Windows 10.
low complexity
microsoft CWE-404