Vulnerabilities > CVE-2013-6630 - Numeric Errors vulnerability in Google Chrome

Attack vector
Attack complexity
Privileges required
Confidentiality impact
Integrity impact
Availability impact


The get_dht function in jdmarker.c in libjpeg-turbo through 1.3.0, as used in Google Chrome before 31.0.1650.48 and other products, does not set all elements of a certain Huffman value array during the reading of segments that follow Define Huffman Table (DHT) JPEG markers, which allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information from uninitialized memory locations via a crafted JPEG image.

Vulnerable Configurations

Part Description Count

Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE)


  • NASL familyF5 Networks Local Security Checks
    NASL idF5_BIGIP_SOL62655427.NASL
    descriptionThe get_dht function in jdmarker.c in libjpeg-turbo through 1.3.0, as used in Google Chrome before 31.0.1650.48 and other products, does not set all elements of a certain Huffman value array during the reading of segments that follow Define Huffman Table (DHT) JPEG markers, which allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information from uninitialized memory locations via a crafted JPEG image. (CVE-2013-6630)
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id88873
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2016-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleF5 Networks BIG-IP : libjpeg-turbo vulnerability (K62655427)
    # (C) Tenable Network Security, Inc.
    # The descriptive text and package checks in this plugin were
    # extracted from F5 Networks BIG-IP Solution K62655427.
    # The text description of this plugin is (C) F5 Networks.
    if (description)
      script_cvs_date("Date: 2019/01/04 10:03:40");
      script_name(english:"F5 Networks BIG-IP : libjpeg-turbo vulnerability (K62655427)");
      script_summary(english:"Checks the BIG-IP version.");
        value:"The remote device is missing a vendor-supplied security patch."
    "The get_dht function in jdmarker.c in libjpeg-turbo through 1.3.0, as
    used in Google Chrome before 31.0.1650.48 and other products, does not
    set all elements of a certain Huffman value array during the reading
    of segments that follow Define Huffman Table (DHT) JPEG markers, which
    allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information from
    uninitialized memory locations via a crafted JPEG image.
    "Upgrade to one of the non-vulnerable versions listed in the F5
    Solution K62655427."
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploitability_ease", value:"No known exploits are available");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploit_available", value:"false");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"potential_vulnerability", value:"true");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"local");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/a:f5:big-ip_access_policy_manager");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/a:f5:big-ip_advanced_firewall_manager");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/a:f5:big-ip_application_acceleration_manager");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/a:f5:big-ip_application_security_manager");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/a:f5:big-ip_application_visibility_and_reporting");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/a:f5:big-ip_link_controller");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/a:f5:big-ip_local_traffic_manager");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/a:f5:big-ip_policy_enforcement_manager");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/h:f5:big-ip");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"patch_publication_date", value:"2016/02/19");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"generated_plugin", value:"current");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2016/02/22");
      script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2016-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.");
      script_family(english:"F5 Networks Local Security Checks");
      script_require_keys("Host/local_checks_enabled", "Host/BIG-IP/hotfix", "Host/BIG-IP/modules", "Host/BIG-IP/version", "Settings/ParanoidReport");
    if ( ! get_kb_item("Host/local_checks_enabled") ) audit(AUDIT_LOCAL_CHECKS_NOT_ENABLED);
    version = get_kb_item("Host/BIG-IP/version");
    if ( ! version ) audit(AUDIT_OS_NOT, "F5 Networks BIG-IP");
    if ( isnull(get_kb_item("Host/BIG-IP/hotfix")) ) audit(AUDIT_KB_MISSING, "Host/BIG-IP/hotfix");
    if ( ! get_kb_item("Host/BIG-IP/modules") ) audit(AUDIT_KB_MISSING, "Host/BIG-IP/modules");
    sol = "K62655427";
    vmatrix = make_array();
    if (report_paranoia < 2) audit(AUDIT_PARANOID);
    # AFM
    vmatrix["AFM"] = make_array();
    vmatrix["AFM"]["affected"  ] = make_list("12.0.0");
    vmatrix["AFM"]["unaffected"] = make_list("11.3.0-11.6.0");
    # AM
    vmatrix["AM"] = make_array();
    vmatrix["AM"]["affected"  ] = make_list("12.0.0");
    vmatrix["AM"]["unaffected"] = make_list("11.4.0-11.6.0");
    # APM
    vmatrix["APM"] = make_array();
    vmatrix["APM"]["affected"  ] = make_list("12.0.0");
    vmatrix["APM"]["unaffected"] = make_list("11.0.0-11.6.0","10.1.0-10.2.4");
    # ASM
    vmatrix["ASM"] = make_array();
    vmatrix["ASM"]["affected"  ] = make_list("12.0.0");
    vmatrix["ASM"]["unaffected"] = make_list("11.0.0-11.6.0","10.1.0-10.2.4");
    # AVR
    vmatrix["AVR"] = make_array();
    vmatrix["AVR"]["affected"  ] = make_list("12.0.0");
    vmatrix["AVR"]["unaffected"] = make_list("11.0.0-11.6.0");
    # LC
    vmatrix["LC"] = make_array();
    vmatrix["LC"]["affected"  ] = make_list("12.0.0");
    vmatrix["LC"]["unaffected"] = make_list("11.0.0-11.6.0","10.1.0-10.2.4");
    # LTM
    vmatrix["LTM"] = make_array();
    vmatrix["LTM"]["affected"  ] = make_list("12.0.0");
    vmatrix["LTM"]["unaffected"] = make_list("11.0.0-11.6.0","10.1.0-10.2.4");
    # PEM
    vmatrix["PEM"] = make_array();
    vmatrix["PEM"]["affected"  ] = make_list("12.0.0");
    vmatrix["PEM"]["unaffected"] = make_list("11.3.0-11.6.0");
    if (bigip_is_affected(vmatrix:vmatrix, sol:sol))
      if (report_verbosity > 0) security_warning(port:0, extra:bigip_report_get());
      else security_warning(0);
      tested = bigip_get_tested_modules();
      audit_extra = "For BIG-IP module(s) " + tested + ",";
      if (tested) audit(AUDIT_INST_VER_NOT_VULN, audit_extra, version);
      else audit(AUDIT_HOST_NOT, "running any of the affected modules");
  • NASL familySuSE Local Security Checks
    NASL idOPENSUSE-2013-903.NASL
    descriptionSecurity and bugfix update to Chromium 31.0.1650.57 - Update to Chromium 31.0.1650.57 : - Security Fixes : - CVE-2013-6632: Multiple memory corruption issues. - Update to Chromium 31.0.1650.48 Stable Channel update : - Security fixes : - CVE-2013-6621: Use after free related to speech input elements.. - CVE-2013-6622: Use after free related to media elements. - CVE-2013-6623: Out of bounds read in SVG. - CVE-2013-6624: Use after free related to &ldquo;id&rdquo; attribute strings. - CVE-2013-6625: Use after free in DOM ranges. - CVE-2013-6626: Address bar spoofing related to interstitial warnings. - CVE-2013-6627: Out of bounds read in HTTP parsing. - CVE-2013-6628: Issue with certificates not being checked during TLS renegotiation. - CVE-2013-2931: Various fixes from internal audits, fuzzing and other initiatives. - CVE-2013-6629: Read of uninitialized memory in libjpeg and libjpeg-turbo. - CVE-2013-6630: Read of uninitialized memory in libjpeg-turbo. - CVE-2013-6631: Use after free in libjingle. - Stable Channel update: fix build for 32bit systems - Update to Chromium 30.0.1599.101 - Security Fixes : + CVE-2013-2925: Use after free in XHR + CVE-2013-2926: Use after free in editing + CVE-2013-2927: Use after free in forms. + CVE-2013-2928: Various fixes from internal audits, fuzzing and other initiatives. - Enable ARM build for Chromium.
    last seen2020-06-05
    plugin id75212
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2014-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleopenSUSE Security Update : chromium (openSUSE-SU-2013:1776-1)
    #%NASL_MIN_LEVEL 80502
    # (C) Tenable Network Security, Inc.
    # The descriptive text and package checks in this plugin were
    # extracted from openSUSE Security Update openSUSE-2013-903.
    # The text description of this plugin is (C) SUSE LLC.
    if (description)
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_modification_date", value:"2020/06/04");
      script_cve_id("CVE-2013-2925", "CVE-2013-2926", "CVE-2013-2927", "CVE-2013-2928", "CVE-2013-2931", "CVE-2013-6621", "CVE-2013-6622", "CVE-2013-6623", "CVE-2013-6624", "CVE-2013-6625", "CVE-2013-6626", "CVE-2013-6627", "CVE-2013-6628", "CVE-2013-6629", "CVE-2013-6630", "CVE-2013-6631", "CVE-2013-6632");
      script_bugtraq_id(63024, 63025, 63026, 63028, 63667, 63669, 63670, 63671, 63672, 63673, 63674, 63675, 63676, 63677, 63678, 63679, 63729);
      script_name(english:"openSUSE Security Update : chromium (openSUSE-SU-2013:1776-1)");
      script_summary(english:"Check for the openSUSE-2013-903 patch");
        value:"The remote openSUSE host is missing a security update."
    "Security and bugfix update to Chromium 31.0.1650.57
      - Update to Chromium 31.0.1650.57 :
      - Security Fixes :
      - CVE-2013-6632: Multiple memory corruption issues.
      - Update to Chromium 31.0.1650.48 Stable Channel update :
      - Security fixes :
      - CVE-2013-6621: Use after free related to speech input
      - CVE-2013-6622: Use after free related to media elements. 
      - CVE-2013-6623: Out of bounds read in SVG.
      - CVE-2013-6624: Use after free related to
        &ldquo;id&rdquo; attribute strings.
      - CVE-2013-6625: Use after free in DOM ranges.
      - CVE-2013-6626: Address bar spoofing related to
        interstitial warnings.
      - CVE-2013-6627: Out of bounds read in HTTP parsing.
      - CVE-2013-6628: Issue with certificates not being checked
        during TLS renegotiation.
      - CVE-2013-2931: Various fixes from internal audits,
        fuzzing and other initiatives.
      - CVE-2013-6629: Read of uninitialized memory in libjpeg
        and libjpeg-turbo.
      - CVE-2013-6630: Read of uninitialized memory in
      - CVE-2013-6631: Use after free in libjingle.
      - Stable Channel update: fix build for 32bit systems
      - Update to Chromium 30.0.1599.101
      - Security Fixes :
      + CVE-2013-2925: Use after free in XHR
      + CVE-2013-2926: Use after free in editing
      + CVE-2013-2927: Use after free in forms.
      + CVE-2013-2928: Various fixes from internal audits,
        fuzzing and other initiatives.
      - Enable ARM build for Chromium."
        value:"Update the affected chromium packages."
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploitability_ease", value:"No known exploits are available");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploit_available", value:"false");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"local");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:novell:opensuse:chromedriver");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:novell:opensuse:chromedriver-debuginfo");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:novell:opensuse:chromium");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:novell:opensuse:chromium-debuginfo");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:novell:opensuse:chromium-debugsource");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:novell:opensuse:chromium-desktop-gnome");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:novell:opensuse:chromium-desktop-kde");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:novell:opensuse:chromium-ffmpegsumo");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:novell:opensuse:chromium-ffmpegsumo-debuginfo");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:novell:opensuse:chromium-suid-helper");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:novell:opensuse:chromium-suid-helper-debuginfo");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/o:novell:opensuse:12.3");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"patch_publication_date", value:"2013/11/20");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2014/06/13");
      script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2014-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.");
      script_family(english:"SuSE Local Security Checks");
      script_require_keys("Host/local_checks_enabled", "Host/SuSE/release", "Host/SuSE/rpm-list", "Host/cpu");
    if (!get_kb_item("Host/local_checks_enabled")) audit(AUDIT_LOCAL_CHECKS_NOT_ENABLED);
    release = get_kb_item("Host/SuSE/release");
    if (isnull(release) || release =~ "^(SLED|SLES)") audit(AUDIT_OS_NOT, "openSUSE");
    if (release !~ "^(SUSE12\.3)$") audit(AUDIT_OS_RELEASE_NOT, "openSUSE", "12.3", release);
    if (!get_kb_item("Host/SuSE/rpm-list")) audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_LIST_MISSING);
    ourarch = get_kb_item("Host/cpu");
    if (!ourarch) audit(AUDIT_UNKNOWN_ARCH);
    if (ourarch !~ "^(i586|i686|x86_64)$") audit(AUDIT_ARCH_NOT, "i586 / i686 / x86_64", ourarch);
    flag = 0;
    if ( rpm_check(release:"SUSE12.3", reference:"chromedriver-31.0.1650.57-1.17.1") ) flag++;
    if ( rpm_check(release:"SUSE12.3", reference:"chromedriver-debuginfo-31.0.1650.57-1.17.1") ) flag++;
    if ( rpm_check(release:"SUSE12.3", reference:"chromium-31.0.1650.57-1.17.1") ) flag++;
    if ( rpm_check(release:"SUSE12.3", reference:"chromium-debuginfo-31.0.1650.57-1.17.1") ) flag++;
    if ( rpm_check(release:"SUSE12.3", reference:"chromium-debugsource-31.0.1650.57-1.17.1") ) flag++;
    if ( rpm_check(release:"SUSE12.3", reference:"chromium-desktop-gnome-31.0.1650.57-1.17.1") ) flag++;
    if ( rpm_check(release:"SUSE12.3", reference:"chromium-desktop-kde-31.0.1650.57-1.17.1") ) flag++;
    if ( rpm_check(release:"SUSE12.3", reference:"chromium-ffmpegsumo-31.0.1650.57-1.17.1") ) flag++;
    if ( rpm_check(release:"SUSE12.3", reference:"chromium-ffmpegsumo-debuginfo-31.0.1650.57-1.17.1") ) flag++;
    if ( rpm_check(release:"SUSE12.3", reference:"chromium-suid-helper-31.0.1650.57-1.17.1") ) flag++;
    if ( rpm_check(release:"SUSE12.3", reference:"chromium-suid-helper-debuginfo-31.0.1650.57-1.17.1") ) flag++;
    if (flag)
      if (report_verbosity > 0) security_hole(port:0, extra:rpm_report_get());
      else security_hole(0);
      tested = pkg_tests_get();
      if (tested) audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_NOT_AFFECTED, tested);
      else audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_NOT_INSTALLED, "chromium");
  • NASL familyMandriva Local Security Checks
    descriptionUpdated libjpeg packages fix security vulnerabilities : libjpeg 6b and libjpeg-turbo will use uninitialized memory when decoding images with missing SOS data for the luminance component (Y) in presence of valid chroma data (Cr, Cb) (CVE-2013-6629). libjpeg-turbo will use uninitialized memory when handling Huffman tables (CVE-2013-6630).
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id71028
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2013-2019 Tenable Network Security, Inc.
    titleMandriva Linux Security Advisory : libjpeg (MDVSA-2013:273)
    #%NASL_MIN_LEVEL 80502
    # (C) Tenable Network Security, Inc.
    # The descriptive text and package checks in this plugin were  
    # extracted from Mandriva Linux Security Advisory MDVSA-2013:273. 
    # The text itself is copyright (C) Mandriva S.A.
    if (description)
      script_cvs_date("Date: 2019/08/02 13:32:55");
      script_cve_id("CVE-2013-6629", "CVE-2013-6630");
      script_bugtraq_id(63676, 63679);
      script_xref(name:"MDVSA", value:"2013:273");
      script_name(english:"Mandriva Linux Security Advisory : libjpeg (MDVSA-2013:273)");
      script_summary(english:"Checks rpm output for the updated packages");
    "The remote Mandriva Linux host is missing one or more security
    "Updated libjpeg packages fix security vulnerabilities :
    libjpeg 6b and libjpeg-turbo will use uninitialized memory when
    decoding images with missing SOS data for the luminance component (Y)
    in presence of valid chroma data (Cr, Cb) (CVE-2013-6629).
    libjpeg-turbo will use uninitialized memory when handling Huffman
    tables (CVE-2013-6630)."
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"solution", value:"Update the affected packages.");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploitability_ease", value:"No known exploits are available");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploit_available", value:"false");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"local");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:mandriva:linux:jpeg-progs");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:mandriva:linux:lib64jpeg-devel");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:mandriva:linux:lib64jpeg-static-devel");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:mandriva:linux:lib64jpeg62");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:mandriva:linux:lib64jpeg8");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/o:mandriva:business_server:1");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"patch_publication_date", value:"2013/11/21");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2013/11/22");
      script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2013-2019 Tenable Network Security, Inc.");
      script_family(english:"Mandriva Local Security Checks");
      script_require_keys("Host/local_checks_enabled", "Host/cpu", "Host/Mandrake/release", "Host/Mandrake/rpm-list");
    if (!get_kb_item("Host/local_checks_enabled")) audit(AUDIT_LOCAL_CHECKS_NOT_ENABLED);
    if (!get_kb_item("Host/Mandrake/release")) audit(AUDIT_OS_NOT, "Mandriva / Mandake Linux");
    if (!get_kb_item("Host/Mandrake/rpm-list")) audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_LIST_MISSING);
    cpu = get_kb_item("Host/cpu");
    if (isnull(cpu)) audit(AUDIT_UNKNOWN_ARCH);
    if (cpu !~ "^(amd64|i[3-6]86|x86_64)$") audit(AUDIT_LOCAL_CHECKS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Mandriva / Mandrake Linux", cpu);
    flag = 0;
    if (rpm_check(release:"MDK-MBS1", cpu:"x86_64", reference:"jpeg-progs-1.2.0-5.2.mbs1")) flag++;
    if (rpm_check(release:"MDK-MBS1", cpu:"x86_64", reference:"lib64jpeg-devel-1.2.0-5.2.mbs1")) flag++;
    if (rpm_check(release:"MDK-MBS1", cpu:"x86_64", reference:"lib64jpeg-static-devel-1.2.0-5.2.mbs1")) flag++;
    if (rpm_check(release:"MDK-MBS1", cpu:"x86_64", reference:"lib64jpeg62-1.2.0-5.2.mbs1")) flag++;
    if (rpm_check(release:"MDK-MBS1", cpu:"x86_64", reference:"lib64jpeg8-1.2.0-5.2.mbs1")) flag++;
    if (flag)
      if (report_verbosity > 0) security_warning(port:0, extra:rpm_report_get());
      else security_warning(0);
    else audit(AUDIT_HOST_NOT, "affected");
  • NASL familyScientific Linux Local Security Checks
    descriptionAn uninitialized memory read issue was found in the way libjpeg-turbo decoded images with missing Start Of Scan (SOS) JPEG markers or Define Huffman Table (DHT) JPEG markers. A remote attacker could create a specially crafted JPEG image that, when decoded, could possibly lead to a disclosure of potentially sensitive information. (CVE-2013-6629, CVE-2013-6630)
    last seen2020-03-18
    plugin id71339
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2013-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleScientific Linux Security Update : libjpeg-turbo on SL6.x i386/x86_64 (20131210)
    # (C) Tenable Network Security, Inc.
    # The descriptive text is (C) Scientific Linux.
    if (description)
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_modification_date", value:"2020/02/27");
      script_cve_id("CVE-2013-6629", "CVE-2013-6630");
      script_name(english:"Scientific Linux Security Update : libjpeg-turbo on SL6.x i386/x86_64 (20131210)");
      script_summary(english:"Checks rpm output for the updated packages");
    "The remote Scientific Linux host is missing one or more security
    "An uninitialized memory read issue was found in the way libjpeg-turbo
    decoded images with missing Start Of Scan (SOS) JPEG markers or Define
    Huffman Table (DHT) JPEG markers. A remote attacker could create a
    specially crafted JPEG image that, when decoded, could possibly lead
    to a disclosure of potentially sensitive information. (CVE-2013-6629,
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"solution", value:"Update the affected packages.");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"local");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:fermilab:scientific_linux:libjpeg-turbo");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:fermilab:scientific_linux:libjpeg-turbo-debuginfo");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:fermilab:scientific_linux:libjpeg-turbo-devel");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:fermilab:scientific_linux:libjpeg-turbo-static");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"x-cpe:/o:fermilab:scientific_linux");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"vuln_publication_date", value:"2013/11/19");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"patch_publication_date", value:"2013/12/10");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2013/12/11");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"generated_plugin", value:"current");
      script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2013-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.");
      script_family(english:"Scientific Linux Local Security Checks");
      script_require_keys("Host/local_checks_enabled", "Host/cpu", "Host/RedHat/release", "Host/RedHat/rpm-list");
    if (!get_kb_item("Host/local_checks_enabled")) audit(AUDIT_LOCAL_CHECKS_NOT_ENABLED);
    release = get_kb_item("Host/RedHat/release");
    if (isnull(release) || "Scientific Linux " >!< release) audit(AUDIT_HOST_NOT, "running Scientific Linux");
    os_ver = pregmatch(pattern: "Scientific Linux.*release ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)", string:release);
    if (isnull(os_ver)) audit(AUDIT_UNKNOWN_APP_VER, "Scientific Linux");
    os_ver = os_ver[1];
    if (! preg(pattern:"^6([^0-9]|$)", string:os_ver)) audit(AUDIT_OS_NOT, "Scientific Linux 6.x", "Scientific Linux " + os_ver);
    if (!get_kb_item("Host/RedHat/rpm-list")) audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_LIST_MISSING);
    cpu = get_kb_item("Host/cpu");
    if (isnull(cpu)) audit(AUDIT_UNKNOWN_ARCH);
    if (cpu >!< "x86_64" && cpu !~ "^i[3-6]86$") audit(AUDIT_LOCAL_CHECKS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Scientific Linux", cpu);
    flag = 0;
    if (rpm_check(release:"SL6", reference:"libjpeg-turbo-1.2.1-3.el6_5")) flag++;
    if (rpm_check(release:"SL6", reference:"libjpeg-turbo-debuginfo-1.2.1-3.el6_5")) flag++;
    if (rpm_check(release:"SL6", reference:"libjpeg-turbo-devel-1.2.1-3.el6_5")) flag++;
    if (rpm_check(release:"SL6", reference:"libjpeg-turbo-static-1.2.1-3.el6_5")) flag++;
    if (flag)
        port       : 0,
        severity   : SECURITY_WARNING,
        extra      : rpm_report_get()
      tested = pkg_tests_get();
      if (tested) audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_NOT_AFFECTED, tested);
      else audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_NOT_INSTALLED, "libjpeg-turbo / libjpeg-turbo-debuginfo / libjpeg-turbo-devel / etc");
  • NASL familyMacOS X Local Security Checks
    descriptionThe version of Google Chrome installed on the remote Mac OS X host is a version prior to 31.0.1650.48. It is, therefore, affected by multiple vulnerabilities : - Various, unspecified errors exist. (CVE-2013-2931) - Use-after-free errors exist related to speech input elements, media elements,
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id70917
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2013-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleGoogle Chrome < 31.0.1650.48 Multiple Vulnerabilities (Mac OS X)
    # (C) Tenable Network Security, Inc.
    if (description)
      script_cvs_date("Date: 2019/11/27");
      script_name(english:"Google Chrome < 31.0.1650.48 Multiple Vulnerabilities (Mac OS X)");
      script_summary(english:"Checks version number of Google Chrome");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"synopsis", value:
    "The remote Mac OS X host contains a web browser that is affected by
    multiple vulnerabilities.");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"description", value:
    "The version of Google Chrome installed on the remote Mac OS X host is a
    version prior to 31.0.1650.48.  It is, therefore, affected by multiple
    vulnerabilities :
      - Various, unspecified errors exist. (CVE-2013-2931)
      - Use-after-free errors exist related to speech input
        elements, media elements, 'id' attribute strings, DOM
        ranges, and libjingle. (CVE-2013-6621, CVE-2013-6622,
        CVE-2013-6624, CVE-2013-6625, CVE-2013-6631)
      - Out-of-bounds read errors exist in SVG and HTTP
        parsing. (CVE-2013-6623, CVE-2013-6627)
      - An address bar URI-spoofing vulnerability exists that is
        related to interstitial warnings. (CVE-2013-6626)
      - A certificate validation security bypass issue exists
        during TLS renegotiation. (CVE-2013-6628)
      - A memory corruption error exists in the libjpeg and
        libjpeg-turbo libraries when memory is uninitialized
        when decoding images with missing SOS data.
      - A memory corruption error exists in the 'jdmarker.c'
        source file in the libjpeg-turbo library when processing
        Huffman tables. (CVE-2013-6630)");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"solution", value:
    "Upgrade to Google Chrome 31.0.1650.48 or later.");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cvss_score_source", value:"CVE-2013-2931");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploitability_ease", value:"Exploits are available");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploit_available", value:"true");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"vuln_publication_date", value:"2013/11/12");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"patch_publication_date", value:"2013/11/12");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2013/11/14");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"local");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/a:google:chrome");
      script_family(english:"MacOS X Local Security Checks");
      script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2013-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.");
      script_require_keys("MacOSX/Google Chrome/Installed");
    get_kb_item_or_exit("MacOSX/Google Chrome/Installed");
    google_chrome_check_version(fix:'31.0.1650.48', severity:SECURITY_HOLE);
  • NASL familyDebian Local Security Checks
    descriptionSeveral vulnerabilities have been discovered in the chromium web browser. - CVE-2013-2931 The chrome 31 development team found various issues from internal fuzzing, audits, and other studies. - CVE-2013-6621 Khalil Zhani discovered a use-after-free issue in speech input handling. - CVE-2013-6622
    last seen2020-03-17
    plugin id70986
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2013-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleDebian DSA-2799-1 : chromium-browser - several vulnerabilities
    #%NASL_MIN_LEVEL 80502
    # (C) Tenable Network Security, Inc.
    # The descriptive text and package checks in this plugin were  
    # extracted from Debian Security Advisory DSA-2799. The text 
    # itself is copyright (C) Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
    if (description)
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_modification_date", value:"2020/03/12");
      script_cve_id("CVE-2013-2931", "CVE-2013-6621", "CVE-2013-6622", "CVE-2013-6623", "CVE-2013-6624", "CVE-2013-6625", "CVE-2013-6626", "CVE-2013-6627", "CVE-2013-6628", "CVE-2013-6629", "CVE-2013-6630", "CVE-2013-6631", "CVE-2013-6632");
      script_xref(name:"DSA", value:"2799");
      script_name(english:"Debian DSA-2799-1 : chromium-browser - several vulnerabilities");
      script_summary(english:"Checks dpkg output for the updated package");
        value:"The remote Debian host is missing a security-related update."
    "Several vulnerabilities have been discovered in the chromium web
      - CVE-2013-2931
        The chrome 31 development team found various issues from
        internal fuzzing, audits, and other studies.
      - CVE-2013-6621
        Khalil Zhani discovered a use-after-free issue in speech
        input handling.
      - CVE-2013-6622
        'cloudfuzzer' discovered a use-after-free issue in
      - CVE-2013-6623
        'miaubiz' discovered an out-of-bounds read in the
        Blink/Webkit SVG implementation.
      - CVE-2013-6624
        Jon Butler discovered a use-after-free issue in id
        attribute strings.
      - CVE-2013-6625
        'cloudfuzzer' discovered a use-after-free issue in the
        Blink/Webkit DOM implementation.
      - CVE-2013-6626
        Chamal de Silva discovered an address bar spoofing
      - CVE-2013-6627
        'skylined' discovered an out-of-bounds read in the HTTP
        stream parser.
      - CVE-2013-6628
        Antoine Delignat-Lavaud and Karthikeyan Bhargavan of
        INRIA Paris discovered that a different (unverified)
        certificate could be used after successful TLS
        renegotiation with a valid certificate.
      - CVE-2013-6629
        Michal Zalewski discovered an uninitialized memory read
        in the libjpeg and libjpeg-turbo libraries.
      - CVE-2013-6630
        Michal Zalewski discovered another uninitialized memory
        read in the libjpeg and libjpeg-turbo libraries.
      - CVE-2013-6631
        Patrik Hoglund discovered a use-free issue in the
        libjingle library.
      - CVE-2013-6632
        Pinkie Pie discovered multiple memory corruption issues."
    "Upgrade the chromium-browser packages.
    For the stable distribution (wheezy), these problems have been fixed
    in version 31.0.1650.57-1~deb7u1."
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"local");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:debian:debian_linux:chromium-browser");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/o:debian:debian_linux:7.0");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"patch_publication_date", value:"2013/11/16");
      script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2013/11/21");
      script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2013-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.");
      script_family(english:"Debian Local Security Checks");
      script_require_keys("Host/local_checks_enabled", "Host/Debian/release", "Host/Debian/dpkg-l");
    if (!get_kb_item("Host/local_checks_enabled")) audit(AUDIT_LOCAL_CHECKS_NOT_ENABLED);
    if (!get_kb_item("Host/Debian/release")) audit(AUDIT_OS_NOT, "Debian");
    if (!get_kb_item("Host/Debian/dpkg-l")) audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_LIST_MISSING);
    flag = 0;
    if (deb_check(release:"7.0", prefix:"chromium", reference:"31.0.1650.57-1~deb7u1")) flag++;
    if (deb_check(release:"7.0", prefix:"chromium-browser", reference:"31.0.1650.57-1~deb7u1")) flag++;
    if (deb_check(release:"7.0", prefix:"chromium-browser-dbg", reference:"31.0.1650.57-1~deb7u1")) flag++;
    if (deb_check(release:"7.0", prefix:"chromium-browser-inspector", reference:"31.0.1650.57-1~deb7u1")) flag++;
    if (deb_check(release:"7.0", prefix:"chromium-browser-l10n", reference:"31.0.1650.57-1~deb7u1")) flag++;
    if (deb_check(release:"7.0", prefix:"chromium-dbg", reference:"31.0.1650.57-1~deb7u1")) flag++;
    if (deb_check(release:"7.0", prefix:"chromium-inspector", reference:"31.0.1650.57-1~deb7u1")) flag++;
    if (deb_check(release:"7.0", prefix:"chromium-l10n", reference:"31.0.1650.57-1~deb7u1")) flag++;
    if (flag)
      if (report_verbosity > 0) security_hole(port:0, extra:deb_report_get());
      else security_hole(0);
    else audit(AUDIT_HOST_NOT, "affected");
  • NASL familySuSE Local Security Checks
    descriptionThis update fixes the following security issues with SeaMonkey : - update to SeaMonkey 2.23 (bnc#854370)) - requires NSPR 4.10.2 and NSS - MFSA 2013-104/CVE-2013-5609/CVE-2013-5610 Miscellaneous memory safety hazards - MFSA 2013-105/CVE-2013-5611 (bmo#771294) Application Installation doorhanger persists on navigation - MFSA 2013-106/CVE-2013-5612 (bmo#871161) Character encoding cross-origin XSS attack - MFSA 2013-107/CVE-2013-5614 (bmo#886262) Sandbox restrictions not applied to nested object elements - MFSA 2013-108/CVE-2013-5616 (bmo#938341) Use-after-free in event listeners - MFSA 2013-109/CVE-2013-5618 (bmo#926361) Use-after-free during Table Editing - MFSA 2013-110/CVE-2013-5619 (bmo#917841) Potential overflow in JavaScript binary search algorithms - MFSA 2013-111/CVE-2013-6671 (bmo#930281) Segmentation violation when replacing ordered list elements - MFSA 2013-112/CVE-2013-6672 (bmo#894736) Linux clipboard information disclosure though selection paste - MFSA 2013-113/CVE-2013-6673 (bmo#970380) Trust settings for built-in roots ignored during EV certificate validation - MFSA 2013-114/CVE-2013-5613 (bmo#930381, bmo#932449) Use-after-free in synthetic mouse movement - MFSA 2013-115/CVE-2013-5615 (bmo#929261) GetElementIC typed array stubs can be generated outside observed typesets - MFSA 2013-116/CVE-2013-6629/CVE-2013-6630 (bmo#891693) JPEG information leak - MFSA 2013-117 (bmo#946351) Mis-issued ANSSI/DCSSI certificate (fixed via NSS - rebased patches : - mozilla-nongnome-proxies.patch - mozilla-shared-nss-db.patch
    last seen2020-06-05
    plugin id75327
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2014-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleopenSUSE Security Update : seamonkey (openSUSE-SU-2014:0008-1)
  • NASL familySuSE Local Security Checks
    NASL idOPENSUSE-2013-1022.NASL
    description - update to Thunderbird 24.2.0 (bnc#854370) - requires NSS or higher - MFSA 2013-104/CVE-2013-5609/CVE-2013-5610 Miscellaneous memory safety hazards - MFSA 2013-108/CVE-2013-5616 (bmo#938341) Use-after-free in event listeners - MFSA 2013-109/CVE-2013-5618 (bmo#926361) Use-after-free during Table Editing - MFSA 2013-111/CVE-2013-6671 (bmo#930281) Segmentation violation when replacing ordered list elements - MFSA 2013-113/CVE-2013-6673 (bmo#970380) Trust settings for built-in roots ignored during EV certificate validation - MFSA 2013-114/CVE-2013-5613 (bmo#930381, bmo#932449) Use-after-free in synthetic mouse movement - MFSA 2013-115/CVE-2013-5615 (bmo#929261) GetElementIC typed array stubs can be generated outside observed typesets - MFSA 2013-116/CVE-2013-6629/CVE-2013-6630 (bmo#891693) JPEG information leak - MFSA 2013-117 (bmo#946351) Mis-issued ANSSI/DCSSI certificate (fixed via NSS - update to Thunderbird 24.1.1 - requires NSPR 4.10.2 and NSS 3.15.3 for security reasons - fix binary compatibility issues for patch level updates (bmo#927073)
    last seen2020-06-05
    plugin id74866
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2014-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleopenSUSE Security Update : MozillaThunderbird (openSUSE-SU-2013:1958-1)
  • NASL familyFedora Local Security Checks
    NASL idFEDORA_2013-23127.NASL
    descriptionUpdate to Firefox 26. Note that Tenable Network Security has extracted the preceding description block directly from the Fedora security advisory. Tenable has attempted to automatically clean and format it as much as possible without introducing additional issues.
    last seen2020-03-17
    plugin id71365
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Tenable Network Security, Inc.
    titleFedora 19 : firefox-26.0-2.fc19 / xulrunner-26.0-1.fc19 (2013-23127)
  • NASL familySuSE Local Security Checks
    NASL idOPENSUSE-2013-995.NASL
    description - update to Firefox 26.0 (bnc#854367, bnc#854370) - rebased patches - requires NSPR 4.10.2 and NSS - MFSA 2013-104/CVE-2013-5609/CVE-2013-5610 Miscellaneous memory safety hazards - MFSA 2013-105/CVE-2013-5611 (bmo#771294) Application Installation doorhanger persists on navigation - MFSA 2013-106/CVE-2013-5612 (bmo#871161) Character encoding cross-origin XSS attack - MFSA 2013-107/CVE-2013-5614 (bmo#886262) Sandbox restrictions not applied to nested object elements - MFSA 2013-108/CVE-2013-5616 (bmo#938341) Use-after-free in event listeners - MFSA 2013-109/CVE-2013-5618 (bmo#926361) Use-after-free during Table Editing - MFSA 2013-110/CVE-2013-5619 (bmo#917841) Potential overflow in JavaScript binary search algorithms - MFSA 2013-111/CVE-2013-6671 (bmo#930281) Segmentation violation when replacing ordered list elements - MFSA 2013-112/CVE-2013-6672 (bmo#894736) Linux clipboard information disclosure though selection paste - MFSA 2013-113/CVE-2013-6673 (bmo#970380) Trust settings for built-in roots ignored during EV certificate validation - MFSA 2013-114/CVE-2013-5613 (bmo#930381, bmo#932449) Use-after-free in synthetic mouse movement - MFSA 2013-115/CVE-2013-5615 (bmo#929261) GetElementIC typed array stubs can be generated outside observed typesets - MFSA 2013-116/CVE-2013-6629/CVE-2013-6630 (bmo#891693) JPEG information leak - MFSA 2013-117 (bmo#946351) Mis-issued ANSSI/DCSSI certificate (fixed via NSS - removed gecko.js preference file as GStreamer is enabled by default now
    last seen2020-06-05
    plugin id75241
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2014-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleopenSUSE Security Update : MozillaFirefox (openSUSE-SU-2013:1918-1)
  • NASL familyWindows
    descriptionThe installed version of Thunderbird is earlier than 24.2 and is, therefore, potentially affected the following vulnerabilities: - Memory issues exist in the browser engine that could result in a denial of service or arbitrary code execution. (CVE-2013-5609, CVE-2013-5610) - Two use-after-free vulnerabilities exist in the functions for synthetic mouse movement handling. (CVE-2013-5613) - An issue exists in which
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id71348
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2013-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleMozilla Thunderbird < 24.2 Multiple Vulnerabilities
  • NASL familyFedora Local Security Checks
    NASL idFEDORA_2013-23291.NASL
    descriptionUpdate to latest upstream - 24.2.0 See release notes here: See for full list of changes. See for full list of changes. Note that Tenable Network Security has extracted the preceding description block directly from the Fedora security advisory. Tenable has attempted to automatically clean and format it as much as possible without introducing additional issues.
    last seen2020-03-17
    plugin id71785
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2014-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleFedora 18 : thunderbird-24.2.0-2.fc18 (2013-23291)
  • NASL familyRed Hat Local Security Checks
    NASL idREDHAT-RHSA-2013-1803.NASL
    descriptionUpdated libjpeg-turbo packages that fix two security issues are now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6. The Red Hat Security Response Team has rated this update as having moderate security impact. Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base scores, which give detailed severity ratings, are available for each vulnerability from the CVE links in the References section. The libjpeg-turbo package contains a library of functions for manipulating JPEG images. It also contains simple client programs for accessing the libjpeg functions. An uninitialized memory read issue was found in the way libjpeg-turbo decoded images with missing Start Of Scan (SOS) JPEG markers or Define Huffman Table (DHT) JPEG markers. A remote attacker could create a specially crafted JPEG image that, when decoded, could possibly lead to a disclosure of potentially sensitive information. (CVE-2013-6629, CVE-2013-6630) All libjpeg-turbo users are advised to upgrade to these updated packages, which contain backported patches to correct these issues.
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id71290
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2013-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleRHEL 6 : libjpeg-turbo (RHSA-2013:1803)
  • NASL familyRed Hat Local Security Checks
    NASL idREDHAT-RHSA-2014-0041.NASL
    descriptionAn updated rhev-hypervisor6 package that fixes multiple security issues is now available. The Red Hat Security Response Team has rated this update as having important security impact. Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base scores, which give detailed severity ratings, are available for each vulnerability from the CVE links in the References section. The rhev-hypervisor6 package provides a Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Hypervisor ISO disk image. The Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Hypervisor is a dedicated Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) hypervisor. It includes everything necessary to run and manage virtual machines: a subset of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating environment and the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Agent. Note: Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Hypervisor is only available for the Intel 64 and AMD64 architectures with virtualization extensions. Upgrade Note: If you upgrade Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Hypervisor 6.4 to version 6.5 through the 3.3 Manager administration portal, configuration of the previous system appears to be lost when reported in the TUI. However, this is an issue in the TUI itself, not in the upgrade process; the configuration of the system is not affected. A flaw was found in the way NSS handled invalid handshake packets. A remote attacker could use this flaw to cause a TLS/SSL client using NSS to crash or, possibly, execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the user running the application. (CVE-2013-5605) A flaw was found in the way OpenSSL determined which hashing algorithm to use when TLS protocol version 1.2 was enabled. This could possibly cause OpenSSL to use an incorrect hashing algorithm, leading to a crash of an application using the library. (CVE-2013-6449) A NULL pointer dereference flaw was found in the way OpenSSL handled TLS/SSL protocol handshake packets. A specially crafted handshake packet could cause a TLS/SSL client using OpenSSL to crash. (CVE-2013-4353) It was discovered that NSS did not reject certificates with incompatible key usage constraints when validating them while the verifyLog feature was enabled. An application using the NSS certificate validation API could accept an invalid certificate. (CVE-2013-5606) Red Hat would like to thank the Mozilla project for reporting CVE-2013-5606. Upstream acknowledges Camilo Viecco as the original reporter of CVE-2013-5606. This updated package provides updated components that include fixes for various security issues. These issues have no security impact on Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Hypervisor itself, however. The security fixes included in this update address the following CVE numbers : CVE-2013-6462 (libXfont issue) CVE-2013-6629, and CVE-2013-6630 (libjpeg-turbo issues) CVE-2013-1739, CVE-2013-1741, and CVE-2013-5607 (nss, nspr issues) CVE-2013-6450 (openssl issue) CVE-2013-6425 (pixman issue) Users of the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Hypervisor are advised to upgrade to this updated package, which corrects these issues.
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id78994
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2014-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleRHEL 6 : rhev-hypervisor6 (RHSA-2014:0041)
  • NASL familyMacOS X Local Security Checks
    descriptionThe installed version of Firefox ESR 24.x is earlier than 24.2 and is, therefore, potentially affected by the following vulnerabilities : - Memory issues exist in the browser engine that could result in a denial of service or arbitrary code execution. (CVE-2013-5609, CVE-2013-5610) - Two use-after-free vulnerabilities exist in the functions for synthetic mouse movement handling. (CVE-2013-5613) - An issue exists in which
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id71343
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2013-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleFirefox ESR 24.x < 24.2 Multiple Vulnerabilities (Mac OS X)
  • NASL familySuSE Local Security Checks
    NASL idOPENSUSE-2013-994.NASL
    description - update to Firefox 26.0 (bnc#854367, bnc#854370) - rebased patches - requires NSPR 4.10.2 and NSS - MFSA 2013-104/CVE-2013-5609/CVE-2013-5610 Miscellaneous memory safety hazards - MFSA 2013-105/CVE-2013-5611 (bmo#771294) Application Installation doorhanger persists on navigation - MFSA 2013-106/CVE-2013-5612 (bmo#871161) Character encoding cross-origin XSS attack - MFSA 2013-107/CVE-2013-5614 (bmo#886262) Sandbox restrictions not applied to nested object elements - MFSA 2013-108/CVE-2013-5616 (bmo#938341) Use-after-free in event listeners - MFSA 2013-109/CVE-2013-5618 (bmo#926361) Use-after-free during Table Editing - MFSA 2013-110/CVE-2013-5619 (bmo#917841) Potential overflow in JavaScript binary search algorithms - MFSA 2013-111/CVE-2013-6671 (bmo#930281) Segmentation violation when replacing ordered list elements - MFSA 2013-112/CVE-2013-6672 (bmo#894736) Linux clipboard information disclosure though selection paste - MFSA 2013-113/CVE-2013-6673 (bmo#970380) Trust settings for built-in roots ignored during EV certificate validation - MFSA 2013-114/CVE-2013-5613 (bmo#930381, bmo#932449) Use-after-free in synthetic mouse movement - MFSA 2013-115/CVE-2013-5615 (bmo#929261) GetElementIC typed array stubs can be generated outside observed typesets - MFSA 2013-116/CVE-2013-6629/CVE-2013-6630 (bmo#891693) JPEG information leak - MFSA 2013-117 (bmo#946351) Mis-issued ANSSI/DCSSI certificate (fixed via NSS - removed gecko.js preference file as GStreamer is enabled by default now
    last seen2020-06-05
    plugin id75240
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2014-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleopenSUSE Security Update : MozillaFirefox (openSUSE-SU-2013:1917-1)
  • NASL familyMacOS X Local Security Checks
    descriptionThe installed version of Firefox is earlier than 26.0 and is, therefore, potentially affected by multiple vulnerabilities : - Memory issues exist in the browser engine that could result in a denial of service or arbitrary code execution. (CVE-2013-5609, CVE-2013-5610) - An issue exists where the notification for a Web App installation could persist from one website to another website. This could be used by a malicious website to trick a user into installing an application from one website while making it appear to come from another website. (CVE-2013-5611) - Cross-site scripting filtering evasion may be possible due to character encodings being inherited from a previously visited website when character set encoding is missing from the current website. (CVE-2013-5612) - Two use-after-free vulnerabilities exist in the functions for synthetic mouse movement handling. (CVE-2013-5613) - Sandbox restrictions may be bypassed because
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id71344
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2013-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleFirefox < 26.0 Multiple Vulnerabilities (Mac OS X)
  • NASL familyUbuntu Local Security Checks
    descriptionBen Turner, Bobby Holley, Jesse Ruderman and Christian Holler discovered multiple memory safety issues in Thunderbird. If a user were tricked in to opening a specially crafted message with scripting enabled, an attacker could potentially exploit these to cause a denial of service via application crash, or execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the user invoking Thunderbird. (CVE-2013-5609) Tyson Smith and Jesse Schwartzentruber discovered a use-after-free in event listeners. If a user had enabled scripting, an attacker could potentially exploit this to cause a denial of service via application crash, or execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the user invoking Thunderbird. (CVE-2013-5616) A use-after-free was discovered in the table editing interface. An attacker could potentially exploit this to cause a denial of service via application crash, or execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the user invoking Thunderbird. (CVE-2013-5618) Tyson Smith and Jesse Schwartzentruber discovered a crash when inserting an ordered list in to a document using script. If a user had enabled scripting, an attacker could potentially exploit this to execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the user invoking Thunderbird. (CVE-2013-6671) Sijie Xia discovered that trust settings for built-in EV root certificates were ignored under certain circumstances, removing the ability for a user to manually untrust certificates from specific authorities. (CVE-2013-6673) Tyson Smith, Jesse Schwartzentruber and Atte Kettunen discovered a use-after-free in functions for synthetic mouse movement handling. If a user had enabled scripting, an attacker could potentially exploit this to cause a denial of service via application crash, or execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the user invoking Thunderbird. (CVE-2013-5613) Eric Faust discovered that GetElementIC typed array stubs can be generated outside observed typesets. If a user had enabled scripting, an attacker could possibly exploit this to cause undefined behaviour with a potential security impact. (CVE-2013-5615) Michal Zalewski discovered several issues with JPEG image handling. An attacker could potentially exploit these to obtain sensitive information. (CVE-2013-6629, CVE-2013-6630). Note that Tenable Network Security has extracted the preceding description block directly from the Ubuntu security advisory. Tenable has attempted to automatically clean and format it as much as possible without introducing additional issues.
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id71375
    reporterUbuntu Security Notice (C) 2013-2019 Canonical, Inc. / NASL script (C) 2013-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleUbuntu 12.04 LTS / 12.10 / 13.04 / 13.10 : thunderbird vulnerabilities (USN-2053-1)
  • NASL familyFedora Local Security Checks
    NASL idFEDORA_2014-6859.NASL
    description - Update to 1.3.1 - Fixes CVE-2013-6629 and CVE-2013-6630 (RHBZ #1031740) Note that Tenable Network Security has extracted the preceding description block directly from the Fedora security advisory. Tenable has attempted to automatically clean and format it as much as possible without introducing additional issues.
    last seen2020-03-17
    plugin id74400
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2014-2020 Tenable Network Security, Inc.
    titleFedora 19 : mingw-libjpeg-turbo-1.3.1-1.fc19 (2014-6859)
  • NASL familySuSE Local Security Checks
    NASL idOPENSUSE-2013-993.NASL
    description - update to Firefox 26.0 (bnc#854367, bnc#854370) - rebased patches - requires NSPR 4.10.2 and NSS - MFSA 2013-104/CVE-2013-5609/CVE-2013-5610 Miscellaneous memory safety hazards - MFSA 2013-105/CVE-2013-5611 (bmo#771294) Application Installation doorhanger persists on navigation - MFSA 2013-106/CVE-2013-5612 (bmo#871161) Character encoding cross-origin XSS attack - MFSA 2013-107/CVE-2013-5614 (bmo#886262) Sandbox restrictions not applied to nested object elements - MFSA 2013-108/CVE-2013-5616 (bmo#938341) Use-after-free in event listeners - MFSA 2013-109/CVE-2013-5618 (bmo#926361) Use-after-free during Table Editing - MFSA 2013-110/CVE-2013-5619 (bmo#917841) Potential overflow in JavaScript binary search algorithms - MFSA 2013-111/CVE-2013-6671 (bmo#930281) Segmentation violation when replacing ordered list elements - MFSA 2013-112/CVE-2013-6672 (bmo#894736) Linux clipboard information disclosure though selection paste - MFSA 2013-113/CVE-2013-6673 (bmo#970380) Trust settings for built-in roots ignored during EV certificate validation - MFSA 2013-114/CVE-2013-5613 (bmo#930381, bmo#932449) Use-after-free in synthetic mouse movement - MFSA 2013-115/CVE-2013-5615 (bmo#929261) GetElementIC typed array stubs can be generated outside observed typesets - MFSA 2013-116/CVE-2013-6629/CVE-2013-6630 (bmo#891693) JPEG information leak - MFSA 2013-117 (bmo#946351) Mis-issued ANSSI/DCSSI certificate (fixed via NSS - removed gecko.js preference file as GStreamer is enabled by default now
    last seen2020-06-05
    plugin id75239
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2014-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleopenSUSE Security Update : MozillaFirefox (openSUSE-SU-2013:1916-1)
  • NASL familyUbuntu Local Security Checks
    descriptionBen Turner, Bobby Holley, Jesse Ruderman, Christian Holler and Christoph Diehl discovered multiple memory safety issues in Firefox. If a user were tricked in to opening a specially crafted website, an attacker could potentially exploit these to cause a denial of service via application crash, or execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the user invoking Firefox. (CVE-2013-5609, CVE-2013-5610) Myk Melez discovered that the doorhanger notification for web app installation could persist between page navigations. An attacker could potentially exploit this to conduct clickjacking attacks. (CVE-2013-5611) Masato Kinugawa discovered that pages with missing character set encoding information can inherit character encodings across navigations from another domain. An attacker could potentially exploit this to conduct cross-site scripting attacks. (CVE-2013-5612) Daniel Veditz discovered that a sandboxed iframe could use an object element to bypass its own restrictions. (CVE-2013-5614) Tyson Smith and Jesse Schwartzentruber discovered a use-after-free in event listeners. An attacker could potentially exploit this to cause a denial of service via application crash, or execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the user invoking Firefox. (CVE-2013-5616) A use-after-free was discovered in the table editing interface. An attacker could potentially exploit this to cause a denial of service via application crash, or execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the user invoking Firefox. (CVE-2013-5618) Dan Gohman discovered that binary search algorithms in Spidermonkey used arithmetic prone to overflow in several places. However, this is issue not believed to be exploitable. (CVE-2013-5619) Tyson Smith and Jesse Schwartzentruber discovered a crash when inserting an ordered list in to a document using script. An attacker could potentially exploit this to execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the user invoking Firefox. (CVE-2013-6671) Vincent Lefevre discovered that web content could access clipboard data under certain circumstances, resulting in information disclosure. (CVE-2013-6672) Sijie Xia discovered that trust settings for built-in EV root certificates were ignored under certain circumstances, removing the ability for a user to manually untrust certificates from specific authorities. (CVE-2013-6673) Tyson Smith, Jesse Schwartzentruber and Atte Kettunen discovered a use-after-free in functions for synthetic mouse movement handling. An attacker could potentially exploit this to cause a denial of service via application crash, or execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the user invoking Firefox. (CVE-2013-5613) Eric Faust discovered that GetElementIC typed array stubs can be generated outside observed typesets. An attacker could possibly exploit this to cause undefined behaviour with a potential security impact. (CVE-2013-5615) Michal Zalewski discovered several issues with JPEG image handling. An attacker could potentially exploit these to obtain sensitive information. (CVE-2013-6629, CVE-2013-6630). Note that Tenable Network Security has extracted the preceding description block directly from the Ubuntu security advisory. Tenable has attempted to automatically clean and format it as much as possible without introducing additional issues.
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id71374
    reporterUbuntu Security Notice (C) 2013-2019 Canonical, Inc. / NASL script (C) 2013-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleUbuntu 12.04 LTS / 12.10 / 13.04 / 13.10 : firefox vulnerabilities (USN-2052-1)
  • NASL familyOracle Linux Local Security Checks
    descriptionFrom Red Hat Security Advisory 2013:1803 : Updated libjpeg-turbo packages that fix two security issues are now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6. The Red Hat Security Response Team has rated this update as having moderate security impact. Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base scores, which give detailed severity ratings, are available for each vulnerability from the CVE links in the References section. The libjpeg-turbo package contains a library of functions for manipulating JPEG images. It also contains simple client programs for accessing the libjpeg functions. An uninitialized memory read issue was found in the way libjpeg-turbo decoded images with missing Start Of Scan (SOS) JPEG markers or Define Huffman Table (DHT) JPEG markers. A remote attacker could create a specially crafted JPEG image that, when decoded, could possibly lead to a disclosure of potentially sensitive information. (CVE-2013-6629, CVE-2013-6630) All libjpeg-turbo users are advised to upgrade to these updated packages, which contain backported patches to correct these issues.
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id71287
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2013-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleOracle Linux 6 : libjpeg-turbo (ELSA-2013-1803)
  • NASL familyFreeBSD Local Security Checks
    descriptionGoogle Chrome Releases reports : 25 security fixes in this release, including : - [268565] Medium CVE-2013-6621: Use after free related to speech input elements. Credit to Khalil Zhani. - [272786] High CVE-2013-6622: Use after free related to media elements. Credit to cloudfuzzer. - [282925] High CVE-2013-6623: Out of bounds read in SVG. Credit to miaubiz. - [290566] High CVE-2013-6624: Use after free related to
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id70865
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Tenable Network Security, Inc.
    titleFreeBSD : chromium -- multiple vulnerabilities (3bfc7016-4bcc-11e3-b0cf-00262d5ed8ee)
  • NASL familySuSE Local Security Checks
    NASL idOPENSUSE-2014-37.NASL
    description - Update to Chromium 31.0.1650.63 Stable channel update : - Security fixes : - CVE-2013-6634: Session fixation in sync related to 302 redirects - CVE-2013-6635: Use-after-free in editing - CVE-2013-6636: Address bar spoofing related to modal dialogs - CVE-2013-6637: Various fixes from internal audits, fuzzing and other initiatives. - CVE-2013-6638: Buffer overflow in v8 - CVE-2013-6639: Out of bounds write in v8. - CVE-2013-6640: Out of bounds read in v8 - and 12 other security fixes. - Remove the build flags to build according to the Chrome ffmpeg branding and the proprietary codecs. (bnc#847971) - Update to Chromium 31.0.1650.57 Stable channel update : - Security Fixes : - CVE-2013-6632: Multiple memory corruption issues. - Update to Chromium 31.0.1650.48 Stable Channel update : - Security fixes : - CVE-2013-6621: Use after free related to speech input elements.. - CVE-2013-6622: Use after free related to media elements. - CVE-2013-6623: Out of bounds read in SVG. - CVE-2013-6624: Use after free related to &ldquo;id&rdquo; attribute strings. - CVE-2013-6625: Use after free in DOM ranges. - CVE-2013-6626: Address bar spoofing related to interstitial warnings. - CVE-2013-6627: Out of bounds read in HTTP parsing. - CVE-2013-6628: Issue with certificates not being checked during TLS renegotiation. - CVE-2013-2931: Various fixes from internal audits, fuzzing and other initiatives. - CVE-2013-6629: Read of uninitialized memory in libjpeg and libjpeg-turbo. - CVE-2013-6630: Read of uninitialized memory in libjpeg-turbo. - CVE-2013-6631: Use after free in libjingle. - Added patch chromium-fix-chromedriver-build.diff to fix the chromedriver build - Enable ARM build for Chromium. - Added patches chromium-arm-webrtc-fix.patch, chromium-fix-arm-icu.patch and chromium-fix-arm-sysroot.patch to resolve ARM specific build issues - Update to Chromium 30.0.1599.114 Stable Channel update: fix build for 32bit systems - Drop patch chromium-fix-chromedriver-build.diff. This is now fixed upstream - For openSUSE versions lower than 13.1, build against the in-tree libicu - Update to Chromium 30.0.1599.101 - Security Fixes : + CVE-2013-2925: Use after free in XHR + CVE-2013-2926: Use after free in editing + CVE-2013-2927: Use after free in forms. + CVE-2013-2928: Various fixes from internal audits, fuzzing and other initiatives. - Update to Chromium 30.0.1599.66 - Easier searching by image - A number of new apps/extension APIs - Lots of under the hood changes for stability and performance - Security fixes : + CVE-2013-2906: Races in Web Audio + CVE-2013-2907: Out of bounds read in Window.prototype object + CVE-2013-2908: Address bar spoofing related to the &ldquo;204 No Content&rdquo; status code + CVE-2013-2909: Use after free in inline-block rendering + CVE-2013-2910: Use-after-free in Web Audio + CVE-2013-2911: Use-after-free in XSLT + CVE-2013-2912: Use-after-free in PPAPI + CVE-2013-2913: Use-after-free in XML document parsing + CVE-2013-2914: Use after free in the Windows color chooser dialog + CVE-2013-2915: Address bar spoofing via a malformed scheme + CVE-2013-2916: Address bar spoofing related to the &ldquo;204 No Content&rdquo; status code + CVE-2013-2917: Out of bounds read in Web Audio + CVE-2013-2918: Use-after-free in DOM + CVE-2013-2919: Memory corruption in V8 + CVE-2013-2920: Out of bounds read in URL parsing + CVE-2013-2921: Use-after-free in resource loader + CVE-2013-2922: Use-after-free in template element + CVE-2013-2923: Various fixes from internal audits, fuzzing and other initiatives + CVE-2013-2924: Use-after-free in ICU. Upstream bug
    last seen2020-06-05
    plugin id75366
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2014-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleopenSUSE Security Update : chromium (openSUSE-SU-2014:0065-1)
  • NASL familyWindows
    descriptionThe installed version of SeaMonkey is earlier than 2.23 and is, therefore, potentially affected by the following vulnerabilities : - Memory issues exist in the browser engine that could result in a denial of service or arbitrary code execution. (CVE-2013-5609, CVE-2013-5610) - Cross-site scripting filtering evasion may be possible due to character encodings being inherited from a previously visited website when character set encoding is missing from the current website. (CVE-2013-5612) - Two use-after-free vulnerabilities exist in the functions for synthetic mouse movement handling. (CVE-2013-5613) - Sandbox restrictions may be bypassed because
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id71349
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2013-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleSeaMonkey < 2.23 Multiple Vulnerabilities
  • NASL familyFedora Local Security Checks
    NASL idFEDORA_2013-23722.NASL
    descriptionApply fixes CVE-2013-6629, CVE-2013-6630 (#1031737) Note that Tenable Network Security has extracted the preceding description block directly from the Fedora security advisory. Tenable has attempted to automatically clean and format it as much as possible without introducing additional issues.
    last seen2020-03-17
    plugin id71903
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2014-2020 Tenable Network Security, Inc.
    titleFedora 19 : libjpeg-turbo-1.2.90-3.fc19 (2013-23722)
  • NASL familyCentOS Local Security Checks
    NASL idCENTOS_RHSA-2013-1803.NASL
    descriptionUpdated libjpeg-turbo packages that fix two security issues are now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6. The Red Hat Security Response Team has rated this update as having moderate security impact. Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base scores, which give detailed severity ratings, are available for each vulnerability from the CVE links in the References section. The libjpeg-turbo package contains a library of functions for manipulating JPEG images. It also contains simple client programs for accessing the libjpeg functions. An uninitialized memory read issue was found in the way libjpeg-turbo decoded images with missing Start Of Scan (SOS) JPEG markers or Define Huffman Table (DHT) JPEG markers. A remote attacker could create a specially crafted JPEG image that, when decoded, could possibly lead to a disclosure of potentially sensitive information. (CVE-2013-6629, CVE-2013-6630) All libjpeg-turbo users are advised to upgrade to these updated packages, which contain backported patches to correct these issues.
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id71271
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2013-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleCentOS 6 : libjpeg-turbo (CESA-2013:1803)
  • NASL familyWindows
    descriptionThe installed version of Firefox is earlier than 26.0 and is, therefore, potentially affected by the following vulnerabilities : - Memory issues exist in the browser engine that could result in a denial of service or arbitrary code execution. (CVE-2013-5609, CVE-2013-5610) - An issue exists where the notification for a Web App installation could persist from one website to another website. This could be used by a malicious website to trick a user into installing an application from one website while making it appear to come from another website. (CVE-2013-5611) - Cross-site scripting filtering evasion may be possible due to character encodings being inherited from a previously visited website when character set encoding is missing from the current website. (CVE-2013-5612) - Two use-after-free vulnerabilities exist in the functions for synthetic mouse movement handling. (CVE-2013-5613) - Sandbox restrictions may be bypassed because
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id71347
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2013-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleFirefox < 26.0 Multiple Vulnerabilities
  • NASL familyWindows
    descriptionThe installed version of Firefox ESR 24.x is earlier than 24.2, and is, therefore, potentially affected by the following vulnerabilities : - Memory issues exist in the browser engine that could result in a denial of service or arbitrary code execution. (CVE-2013-5609, CVE-2013-5610) - Two use-after-free vulnerabilities exist in the functions for synthetic mouse movement handling. (CVE-2013-5613) - An issue exists in which
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id71346
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2013-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleFirefox ESR 24.x < 24.2 Multiple Vulnerabilities
  • NASL familySuSE Local Security Checks
    NASL idOPENSUSE-2013-961.NASL
    descriptionChromium was updated to 31.0.1650.57: Stable channel update : - Security Fixes : - CVE-2013-6632: Multiple memory corruption issues. - Update to Chromium 31.0.1650.48 Stable Channel update : - Security fixes : - CVE-2013-6621: Use after free related to speech input elements.. - CVE-2013-6622: Use after free related to media elements. - CVE-2013-6623: Out of bounds read in SVG. - CVE-2013-6624: Use after free related to &ldquo;id&rdquo; attribute strings. - CVE-2013-6625: Use after free in DOM ranges. - CVE-2013-6626: Address bar spoofing related to interstitial warnings. - CVE-2013-6627: Out of bounds read in HTTP parsing. - CVE-2013-6628: Issue with certificates not being checked during TLS renegotiation. - CVE-2013-2931: Various fixes from internal audits, fuzzing and other initiatives. - CVE-2013-6629: Read of uninitialized memory in libjpeg and libjpeg-turbo. - CVE-2013-6630: Read of uninitialized memory in libjpeg-turbo. - CVE-2013-6631: Use after free in libjingle. - Added patch chromium-fix-chromedriver-build.diff to fix the chromedriver build - Enable ARM build for Chromium. - Added patches chromium-arm-webrtc-fix.patch, chromium-fix-arm-icu.patch and chromium-fix-arm-sysroot.patch to resolve ARM specific build issues - Update to Chromium 30.0.1599.114 Stable Channel update: fix build for 32bit systems - Drop patch chromium-fix-chromedriver-build.diff. This is now fixed upstream - For openSUSE versions lower than 13.1, build against the in-tree libicu - Update to Chromium 30.0.1599.101 - Security Fixes : + CVE-2013-2925: Use after free in XHR + CVE-2013-2926: Use after free in editing + CVE-2013-2927: Use after free in forms. + CVE-2013-2928: Various fixes from internal audits, fuzzing and other initiatives. - Update to Chromium 30.0.1599.66 - Easier searching by image - A number of new apps/extension APIs - Lots of under the hood changes for stability and performance - Security fixes : + CVE-2013-2906: Races in Web Audio + CVE-2013-2907: Out of bounds read in Window.prototype object + CVE-2013-2908: Address bar spoofing related to the &ldquo;204 No Content&rdquo; status code + CVE-2013-2909: Use after free in inline-block rendering + CVE-2013-2910: Use-after-free in Web Audio + CVE-2013-2911: Use-after-free in XSLT + CVE-2013-2912: Use-after-free in PPAPI + CVE-2013-2913: Use-after-free in XML document parsing + CVE-2013-2914: Use after free in the Windows color chooser dialog + CVE-2013-2915: Address bar spoofing via a malformed scheme + CVE-2013-2916: Address bar spoofing related to the &ldquo;204 No Content&rdquo; status code + CVE-2013-2917: Out of bounds read in Web Audio + CVE-2013-2918: Use-after-free in DOM + CVE-2013-2919: Memory corruption in V8 + CVE-2013-2920: Out of bounds read in URL parsing + CVE-2013-2921: Use-after-free in resource loader + CVE-2013-2922: Use-after-free in template element + CVE-2013-2923: Various fixes from internal audits, fuzzing and other initiatives + CVE-2013-2924: Use-after-free in ICU. Upstream bug
    last seen2020-06-05
    plugin id75225
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2014-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleopenSUSE Security Update : chromium (openSUSE-SU-2013:1861-1)
  • NASL familyMacOS X Local Security Checks
    descriptionThe installed version of Thunderbird is earlier than 24.2 and is, therefore, potentially affected by the following vulnerabilities : - Memory issues exist in the browser engine that could result in a denial of service or arbitrary code execution. (CVE-2013-5609, CVE-2013-5610) - Two use-after-free vulnerabilities exist in the functions for synthetic mouse movement handling. (CVE-2013-5613) - An issue exists in which
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id71345
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2013-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleThunderbird < 24.2 Multiple Vulnerabilities (Mac OS X)
  • NASL familyFreeBSD Local Security Checks
    NASL idFREEBSD_PKG_DD116B1964B311E3868F0025905A4771.NASL
    descriptionThe Mozilla Project reports : MFSA 2013-116 JPEG information leak MFSA 2013-105 Application Installation doorhanger persists on navigation MFSA 2013-106 Character encoding cross-origin XSS attack MFSA 2013-107 Sandbox restrictions not applied to nested object elements MFSA 2013-108 Use-after-free in event listeners MFSA 2013-109 Use-after-free during Table Editing MFSA 2013-110 Potential overflow in JavaScript binary search algorithms MFSA 2013-111 Segmentation violation when replacing ordered list elements MFSA 2013-112 Linux clipboard information disclosure though selection paste MFSA 2013-113 Trust settings for built-in roots ignored during EV certificate validation MFSA 2013-114 Use-after-free in synthetic mouse movement MFSA 2013-115 GetElementIC typed array stubs can be generated outside observed typesets MFSA 2013-116 JPEG information leak MFSA 2013-117 Mis-issued ANSSI/DCSSI certificate
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id71452
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2013-2018 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleFreeBSD : mozilla -- multiple vulnerabilities (dd116b19-64b3-11e3-868f-0025905a4771)
  • NASL familyFedora Local Security Checks
    NASL idFEDORA_2013-23519.NASL
    descriptionNew upstream. Note that Tenable Network Security has extracted the preceding description block directly from the Fedora security advisory. Tenable has attempted to automatically clean and format it as much as possible without introducing additional issues.
    last seen2020-03-17
    plugin id71505
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Tenable Network Security, Inc.
    titleFedora 20 : firefox-26.0-3.fc20 / thunderbird-24.2.0-3.fc20 / xulrunner-26.0-2.fc20 (2013-23519)
  • NASL familyFedora Local Security Checks
    NASL idFEDORA_2013-23295.NASL
    descriptionUpdate to latest upstream - 24.2.0 See release notes here: See for full list of changes. See for full list of changes. Note that Tenable Network Security has extracted the preceding description block directly from the Fedora security advisory. Tenable has attempted to automatically clean and format it as much as possible without introducing additional issues.
    last seen2020-03-17
    plugin id71448
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2013-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleFedora 19 : thunderbird-24.2.0-2.fc19 (2013-23295)
  • NASL familyFedora Local Security Checks
    NASL idFEDORA_2013-23749.NASL
    descriptionApply fixes CVE-2013-6629, CVE-2013-6630 Note that Tenable Network Security has extracted the preceding description block directly from the Fedora security advisory. Tenable has attempted to automatically clean and format it as much as possible without introducing additional issues.
    last seen2020-03-17
    plugin id71627
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Tenable Network Security, Inc.
    titleFedora 20 : libjpeg-turbo-1.3.0-2.fc20 (2013-23749)
  • NASL familySuSE Local Security Checks
    NASL idOPENSUSE-2013-1023.NASL
    description - update to Thunderbird 24.2.0 (bnc#854370) - requires NSS or higher - MFSA 2013-104/CVE-2013-5609/CVE-2013-5610 Miscellaneous memory safety hazards - MFSA 2013-108/CVE-2013-5616 (bmo#938341) Use-after-free in event listeners - MFSA 2013-109/CVE-2013-5618 (bmo#926361) Use-after-free during Table Editing - MFSA 2013-111/CVE-2013-6671 (bmo#930281) Segmentation violation when replacing ordered list elements - MFSA 2013-113/CVE-2013-6673 (bmo#970380) Trust settings for built-in roots ignored during EV certificate validation - MFSA 2013-114/CVE-2013-5613 (bmo#930381, bmo#932449) Use-after-free in synthetic mouse movement - MFSA 2013-115/CVE-2013-5615 (bmo#929261) GetElementIC typed array stubs can be generated outside observed typesets - MFSA 2013-116/CVE-2013-6629/CVE-2013-6630 (bmo#891693) JPEG information leak - MFSA 2013-117 (bmo#946351) Mis-issued ANSSI/DCSSI certificate (fixed via NSS - update to Thunderbird 24.1.1 - requires NSPR 4.10.2 and NSS 3.15.3 for security reasons - fix binary compatibility issues for patch level updates (bmo#927073)
    last seen2020-06-05
    plugin id74867
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2014-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleopenSUSE Security Update : MozillaThunderbird (openSUSE-SU-2013:1959-1)
  • NASL familyFedora Local Security Checks
    NASL idFEDORA_2014-6870.NASL
    description - Update to 1.3.1 - Fixes CVE-2013-6629 and CVE-2013-6630 (RHBZ #1031740) Note that Tenable Network Security has extracted the preceding description block directly from the Fedora security advisory. Tenable has attempted to automatically clean and format it as much as possible without introducing additional issues.
    last seen2020-03-17
    plugin id74402
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2014-2020 Tenable Network Security, Inc.
    titleFedora 20 : mingw-libjpeg-turbo-1.3.1-1.fc20 (2014-6870)
  • NASL familyUbuntu Local Security Checks
    descriptionMichal Zalewski discovered that libjpeg and libjpeg-turbo incorrectly handled certain memory operations. An attacker could use this issue with a specially crafted JPEG file to possibly expose sensitive information. Note that Tenable Network Security has extracted the preceding description block directly from the Ubuntu security advisory. Tenable has attempted to automatically clean and format it as much as possible without introducing additional issues.
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id71563
    reporterUbuntu Security Notice (C) 2013-2019 Canonical, Inc. / NASL script (C) 2013-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleUbuntu 10.04 LTS / 12.04 LTS / 12.10 / 13.04 / 13.10 : libjpeg-turbo, libjpeg6b vulnerabilities (USN-2060-1)
  • NASL familyAmazon Linux Local Security Checks
    NASL idALA_ALAS-2013-267.NASL
    descriptionAn uninitialized memory read issue was found in the way libjpeg-turbo decoded images with missing Start Of Scan (SOS) JPEG markers or Define Huffman Table (DHT) JPEG markers. A remote attacker could create a specially crafted JPEG image that, when decoded, could possibly lead to a disclosure of potentially sensitive information. (CVE-2013-6629 , CVE-2013-6630)
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id71579
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Tenable Network Security, Inc.
    titleAmazon Linux AMI : libjpeg-turbo (ALAS-2013-267)
  • NASL familyGentoo Local Security Checks
    NASL idGENTOO_GLSA-201606-03.NASL
    descriptionThe remote host is affected by the vulnerability described in GLSA-201606-03 (libjpeg-turbo: Multiple vulnerabilities) libjpeg-turbo does not check for certain duplications of component data during the reading of segments that follow Start Of Scan (SOS) JPEG markers. Impact : Remote attackers could obtain sensitive information from uninitialized memory locations via a crafted JPEG images. Workaround : There is no known workaround at this time.
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id91480
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2016 Tenable Network Security, Inc.
    titleGLSA-201606-03 : libjpeg-turbo: Multiple vulnerabilities
  • NASL familyWindows
    NASL idGOOGLE_CHROME_31_0_1650_48.NASL
    descriptionThe version of Google Chrome installed on the remote host is a version prior to 31.0.1650.48. It is, therefore, affected by multiple vulnerabilities : - Various, unspecified errors exist. (CVE-2013-2931) - Use-after-free errors exist related to speech input elements, media elements,
    last seen2020-06-01
    plugin id70916
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2013-2019 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleGoogle Chrome < 31.0.1650.48 Multiple Vulnerabilities
  • NASL familySuSE Local Security Checks
    NASL idOPENSUSE-2013-1024.NASL
    description - update to Thunderbird 24.2.0 (bnc#854370) - requires NSS or higher - MFSA 2013-104/CVE-2013-5609/CVE-2013-5610 Miscellaneous memory safety hazards - MFSA 2013-108/CVE-2013-5616 (bmo#938341) Use-after-free in event listeners - MFSA 2013-109/CVE-2013-5618 (bmo#926361) Use-after-free during Table Editing - MFSA 2013-111/CVE-2013-6671 (bmo#930281) Segmentation violation when replacing ordered list elements - MFSA 2013-113/CVE-2013-6673 (bmo#970380) Trust settings for built-in roots ignored during EV certificate validation - MFSA 2013-114/CVE-2013-5613 (bmo#930381, bmo#932449) Use-after-free in synthetic mouse movement - MFSA 2013-115/CVE-2013-5615 (bmo#929261) GetElementIC typed array stubs can be generated outside observed typesets - MFSA 2013-116/CVE-2013-6629/CVE-2013-6630 (bmo#891693) JPEG information leak - MFSA 2013-117 (bmo#946351) Mis-issued ANSSI/DCSSI certificate (fixed via NSS - update to Thunderbird 24.1.1 - requires NSPR 4.10.2 and NSS 3.15.3 for security reasons - fix binary compatibility issues for patch level updates (bmo#927073)
    last seen2020-06-05
    plugin id74868
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2014-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleopenSUSE Security Update : MozillaThunderbird (openSUSE-SU-2013:1957-1)
  • NASL familySuSE Local Security Checks
    NASL idOPENSUSE-2013-904.NASL
    descriptionChromium was updated to 31.0.1650.57: Stable channel update : - Security Fixes : - CVE-2013-6632: Multiple memory corruption issues. - Update to Chromium 31.0.1650.48 (bnc#850430) Stable Channel update : - Security fixes : - CVE-2013-6621: Use after free related to speech input elements.. - CVE-2013-6622: Use after free related to media elements. - CVE-2013-6623: Out of bounds read in SVG. - CVE-2013-6624: Use after free related to &ldquo;id&rdquo; attribute strings. - CVE-2013-6625: Use after free in DOM ranges. - CVE-2013-6626: Address bar spoofing related to interstitial warnings. - CVE-2013-6627: Out of bounds read in HTTP parsing. - CVE-2013-6628: Issue with certificates not being checked during TLS renegotiation. - CVE-2013-2931: Various fixes from internal audits, fuzzing and other initiatives. - CVE-2013-6629: Read of uninitialized memory in libjpeg and libjpeg-turbo. - CVE-2013-6630: Read of uninitialized memory in libjpeg-turbo. - CVE-2013-6631: Use after free in libjingle. - Added patch chromium-fix-chromedriver-build.diff to fix the chromedriver build
    last seen2020-06-05
    plugin id75213
    reporterThis script is Copyright (C) 2014-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
    titleopenSUSE Security Update : chromium (openSUSE-SU-2013:1777-1)


titleCVE-2013-6630 libjpeg: information leak (read of uninitialized memory)
  • commentRed Hat Enterprise Linux must be installed
  • AND
    • commentRed Hat Enterprise Linux 6 is installed
    • OR
      • AND
        • commentlibjpeg-turbo-devel is earlier than 0:1.2.1-3.el6_5
        • commentlibjpeg-turbo-devel is signed with Red Hat redhatrelease2 key
      • AND
        • commentlibjpeg-turbo is earlier than 0:1.2.1-3.el6_5
        • commentlibjpeg-turbo is signed with Red Hat redhatrelease2 key
      • AND
        • commentlibjpeg-turbo-static is earlier than 0:1.2.1-3.el6_5
        • commentlibjpeg-turbo-static is signed with Red Hat redhatrelease2 key
titleRHSA-2013:1803: libjpeg-turbo security update (Moderate)
  • libjpeg-turbo-0:1.2.1-3.el6_5
  • libjpeg-turbo-debuginfo-0:1.2.1-3.el6_5
  • libjpeg-turbo-devel-0:1.2.1-3.el6_5
  • libjpeg-turbo-static-0:1.2.1-3.el6_5
