Security News

Manage SSL/TLS certificates across IT environments with Qualys CertView (Help Net Security)
2017-07-25 12:30

Qualys announced CertView, a new app framework in the Qualys Cloud Platform that enables customers to discover, assess and manage SSL/TLS certificates on a global scale, helping them prevent...

Google to Fully Distrust WoSign/StartCom SSL Certs in Chrome 61 (Threatpost)
2017-07-10 18:28

Google has put websites signed with WoSign/StartCom SSL certificates on notice that it will no longer trust certs from the Chinese CA starting in Chrome 61.

Google Chrome Bans Chinese SSL Certificate Authorities WoSign and StartCom (The Hackers News)
2017-07-08 02:44

As a punishment announced last October, Google will no longer trust SSL/TLS certificate authorities WoSign and its subsidiary StartCom with the launch of Chrome 61 for not maintaining the "high...

Symantec API Flaws reportedly let attackers steal Private SSL Keys and Certificates (The Hackers News)
2017-03-28 09:54

A security researcher has disclosed critical issues in the processes and third-party API used by Symantec certificate resellers to deliver and manage Symantec SSL certificates. The flaw,...

Road To SSL (Forbes)
2017-03-16 04:07

Inline SSL solution eliminates network blind spots (Help Net Security)
2017-02-13 12:15

At RSA Conference 2017, Gigamon announced an expansion to its GigaSECURE SSL/TLS Decryption solution, with new inline capabilities, bringing enhanced visibility into encrypted data-in-motion. This...