Security News

Iran-based Social Media Scheme Impersonated Press
2019-05-29 12:50

Facebook and Twitter said Tuesday they shuttered accounts used in an Iran-based social media campaign to sway public opinion by impersonating reporters, politicians and others. read more

Instagram Bans Social Media Company After Data Exposure
2019-05-24 14:18

Leak Contained Public Data From Instagram and Other SourcesInstagram has revoked the access of an Indian social media marketing company after personal details of some of its users ended up in an...

Trump seeks tales of social media bias – and your phone number
2019-05-17 10:38

A tool from the White House invites those who suspect political bias in social media censorship to "share their story with President Trump."

Tips to spring clean your company’s social media and stay protected
2019-05-13 05:10

With springtime comes warmer weather, sunnier days, and—somewhat inexplicably—the urge to purge. And while many will budget extra time to clear out closets or downsize their collection of coffee...

Bad actors increasingly spreading misinformation via social media ahead of EU elections
2019-05-07 09:59

Bad actors are amplifying misinformation content directed at EU member states to shape public perception, a report by SafeGuard Cyber reveals. The report provides evidence and detail into how...

Cybercriminals targeting social media: Facebook and Instagram are becoming phishers’ favorites
2019-05-03 05:15

Social media phishing, primarily Facebook and Instagram, saw the highest quarter- over-quarter growth of any industry with a 74.7 percent increase, according to the Vade Secure Phishers’ Favorites...

Most adults are concerned about malware and phishing on social media
2019-04-30 05:00

More than eighty percent of adults believe that they’re at risk when it comes to security on social media. Most American adults are using at least one social media platform daily, and...

Facebook to Fund Research on Social Media Impact on Elections
2019-04-29 15:21

Facebook announced Monday its first research grants to academics studying the impact of social media on elections, part of an effort to prevent manipulation of social platforms. read more

i3 Ops AI platform identifies social media threats in real time
2019-04-11 03:00

i3 Operations (i3 Ops) Artificial Intelligence Maintaining Safety (AIMS), an AI platform that unravels the chaos of social media in real time to identify threats has emerged from stealth mode. i3...

New law will punish social media companies for users’ violent content
2019-04-05 10:46

Australian law makers have responded very quickly to the Christchurch shootings.