Security News

Skygofree: New Government Malware for Android
2018-01-22 18:06

Kaspersky Labs is reporting on a new piece of sophisticated malware: We observed many web landing pages that mimic the sites of mobile operators and which are used to spread the Android implants....

Potent Skygofree Malware Packs ‘Never-Before-Seen’ Features
2018-01-17 18:36

Researchers have discovered Android malware with spy capabilities never seen before such as allowing attackers to capture encrypted WhatsApp chat sessions.

Skygofree — Powerful Android Spyware Discovered
2018-01-16 16:48

Security researchers have unveiled one of the most powerful and highly advanced Android spyware tools that give hackers full control of infected devices remotely. Dubbed Skygofree, the Android...