Security News

Hackers breached subsea cable operator Pacnet's corporate IT network (Help Net Security)
2015-05-20 09:00

Global telecommunications service provider and fibre optic subsea cable operator Pacnet has suffered a breach: unknown hackers have gained access to its corporate IT network last month. It's intere...

Can you afford to wait 197 days to detect a threat? (Help Net Security)
2015-05-20 06:57

Financial services and retail organizations agree, advanced threats are the most serious security challenge facing their organizations, shows a new Ponemon Institute study. Despite the concern, both i...

South Korean minors to be monitored via smartphone spying apps (Help Net Security)
2015-05-20 06:33

The Korea Communications Commission, South Korea's media regulation agency modeled after US' FCC, has made it mandatory for telecoms and parents to install a monitoring app on smartphones used by anyo...