Security News

Security researcher Charlie Belmer is reporting that commercial websites such as eBay are conducting port scans of their visitors. Looking at the list of ports they are scanning, they are looking for VNC services being run on the host, which is the same thing that was reported for bank sites.

Halifax issue could clarify one rule for banks, another for us, says white hat Halifax Bank scans the machines of surfers that land on its login page whether or not they are customers, it has emerged.…

Since this has hit Security Focus and other sites, I figured I'd toss my two cents in on this decision... Specifically, I think that the most important point in this opinion was not about the...

---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 17:04:59 -0500 From: Declan McCullagh To: politech () politechbot com Cc: Michael () eMcGuire com Subject: FC: It's OK to do port...