Security News

Week in review: Macro-less Office documents zero-day bug, FluBot takedown, growing DDoS threats
2022-06-05 08:00

Zero-day bug exploited by attackers via macro-less Office documentsA newly numbered Windows zero-day vulnerability is being exploited in the wild via specially crafted Office documents, security researchers are warning. DDoS threats growing in sophistication, size, and frequencyCorero Network Security has published the latest edition of its annual DDoS Threat Intelligence Report that compiles the trends, observations, predictions, and recommendations based on DDoS attacks against Corero customers during 2021.

Zero-day bug exploited by attackers via macro-less Office documents (CVE-2022-30190)
2022-05-31 09:12

A newly numbered Windows zero-day vulnerability is being exploited in the wild via specially crafted Office documents, security researchers are warning. Boobytrapped office files delivered via email are one of the most common tactics attackers use to compromise endpoints, and they are constantly finding new ways to hide the documents' malicious nature from existing security defenses, solutions, as well as users/targets.

Macro-less word document attacks on the rise
2018-03-30 12:00

WatchGuard released its Internet Security Report for Q4 2017. Among the report’s most notable findings, threat intelligence showed that total malware attacks are up by 33 percent, and that cyber...

Macro-less malware: The cyclical attack
2018-02-05 13:12

Last year, attackers linked to the Russian hacking group APT28 (sometimes called Fancy Bear) started hacking like its 1999 with Microsoft Word-based malware that doesn’t trigger security warnings...