Security News
Mozilla was nominated for an "Internet Villain" award - and The People Of The Internet were not pleased
Shaming of Mozilla Over Secure DNS Raises Security Community EyebrowsTogether with President Donald Trump and the EU Copyright Directive, the U.K's Internet Services Providers' Association has...
European Digital Rights Organization Seeks Investigation Into Internet Service Providers' Use of Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) read more
DNS over HTTPS (DoH), backed by Google, Mozilla and Cloudflare, is about to make web surveillance a lot more difficult.
Chinese kit slinger was told of UPnP flaw in 2013, didn't do too much about it Exclusive Huawei bungled its response to warnings from an ISP's code review team about a security vulnerability...
Russia’s major ISPs plan to temporarily disconnect servers from the internet, effectively cutting the country off from the outside world.
Perpetrators are using smaller, bit-and-piece methods to inject junk into legitimate traffic, causing attacks to bypass detection rather than sounding alarms with large, obvious attack spikes.
A tale of Twitter fraudsters, an infosec biz boss, and a quest for one honeypot hit Fraudsters masquerading as ISP support agents to phish payment card details have been unmasked – after they...
A tale of Twitter fraudsters, an infosec biz boss, and a quest for one honeypot hit Fraudsters masquerading as ISP support agents to phish payment card details have been unmasked – after they...