Security News

Is the Internet hiding a crime wave? (Help Net Security)
2015-02-23 10:13

The U.S. crime rate continues to fall, according to the latest FBI’s release based on Uniform Crime Reporting from police departments, but researchers say those numbers, which have been on a downward ...

Lack of trust is affecting how consumers use the Internet (Help Net Security)
2015-02-23 08:41

68% of US smartphone users are concerned about having their activity tracked to serve them targeted ads, suggesting that most smartphone users are uncomfortable with the idea of online behavioral adve...

Thousands of U.S. gas stations exposed to Internet attacks
2015-01-23 19:32 By Lucian Constantin IDG News Service Jan 23, 2015

Report: Government Has Only 5 Years To Secure Internet of	Things
2014-11-20 11:49 By Jack Moore November 19, 2014

WTF, Russia’s domestic Internet traffic 	mysteriously passes through Chinese routers
2014-11-11 08:06 By Dan Goodin Ars Technica Nov 9 2014

Bot-herders can launch DDoS attacks from dryers, refrigerators, other Internet of Things devices
2014-09-26 11:40 By Tim Greene NetworkWorld Sept 24, 2014

Thousands Of People Oblivious To Fact That Anyone On The Internet Can Access Their Computers
2014-08-14 15:58 By Kashmir Hill Forbes Staff 8/13/2014