Security News

He then doubled down on spies' 'ghost user' backdoor plan Solving the Huawei 5G security problem is a question of convincing the Chinese to embrace British "fair play", security minister Ben...

Huawei's cyber security chief told the UK parliament Monday that the Chinese telecoms giant has been advised it was under no obligation to spy for Beijing if so asked by the Communist state. read more

Banning Chinese Manufacturer Means 'Dramatic Reduction' in Government SuppliersThe White House budget chief is seeking to delay a ban on the U.S. government using products manufactured by Huawei....

Facebook said Friday it would cut off Huawei from its popular social networking apps to comply with US sanctions, further isolating the Chinese tech giant considered a national security threat by...

Academic outfit U-turns on blacklisting Chinese bogeyman The US-based Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has lifted its sanctions on Huawei-linked academic reviewers.…

Now they're withdrawing co-operation too Following disquiet over the IEEE's decision to block Huawei-linked researchers from doing various academic tasks, a Chinese computer research body has...

Chinese Firm Wants Court to Act Quickly to Overturn Ban on Use of Tech by AgenciesChinese telecom giant Huawei has taken another legal step in its effort to overturn a ban on U.S. government...

Angry boffins start questioning standards body's independence Compsci academics are startled by how the US-based IEEE is complying with American sanctions on Huawei. That includes halting peer...

A top UK government cyber-official has called out the telecom supplier, long suspected to use its infrastructure sales as a base for industrial espionage.

Chinese telecom giant Huawei stepped up its legal battle on Wednesday to overturn US legislation barring American federal agencies from buying its products amid an escalating high-tech dispute. read more