Security News

Re: Start-up banks on hack-proof Linux
2002-09-30 06:21

Forwarded from: Kurt Seifried

China denies trying to hack Dalai Lama's network
2002-09-26 06:32 BEIJING (September 25, 2002 11:40 a.m. EDT) - Responding to accusations that China's government tried to break into the Dalai...

Shock! Maturity rules at hack fest
2002-08-16 06:22 By Kim Zetter August 13 2002 South African computer security consultants Roelof Temmingh and Charl van der Walt were 30 minutes into...

Re: Israel under hack attack
2002-04-18 07:19

Fowarded from: irado furioso com tudo InfoSec News wrote:

Cylant: Another hack challenge, bigger carrot!
2002-01-21 08:24

Back in May of 2001 the folks at Cylant were doing a little guerilla marketing offering $500 to anyone that could "0wn this box" [1]. Since then Cylant has been purchased by another company, and...

Hack attack targets Verizon, AT&T wireless users
2001-07-31 07:31,1199,NAV47_STO62673,00.html.html By ASHLEE VANCE IDG NEWS SERVICE July 30, 2001 Verizon Wireless Inc. and AT&T Wireless have started investigating a...

Mass web banking hack probed
2001-07-09 08:23 By Kevin Poulsen July 6, 2001 12:00 AM PT The FBI is investigating a June computer intrusion into a web banking company that may have compromised customer...

California hack points to possible IT surveillance threat
2001-06-13 05:55,4125,NAV47_STO61313,00.html By DAN VERTON June 12, 2001 The revelation that hackers broke into computer systems owned by California's primary electric power...

Think tank warns that Microsoft hack could pose national              security              risk
2000-12-28 09:24,1199,NAV47_STO55656,00.html?OpenDocument&~f By DAN VERTON December 27, 2000 Although Microsoft Corp. has denied that the hacker who penetrated its network...