Security News

Many GPS Tracking Services Expose User Location, Other Data
2018-01-02 21:10

Researchers discovered that many online services designed for managing location tracking devices are affected by vulnerabilities that expose potentially sensitive information. Fitness, child, pet...

Tracking People Without GPS
2017-12-15 12:18

Interesting research: The trick in accurately tracking a person with this method is finding out what kind of activity they're performing. Whether they're walking, driving a car, or riding in a...

GPS Spoofing Attacks
2017-09-25 13:23

Wired has a story about a possible GPS spoofing attack by Russia: After trawling through AIS data from recent years, evidence of spoofing becomes clear. Goward says GPS data has placed ships at...

GPS Spoofing (Schneier on Security)
2016-08-05 11:13

It's easy to spoof GPS signals, and hard to defend against....