Security News
Was there a big, bad security bug in Microsoft Windows waiting to be announced the next day? This time, the NSA gave the bug to Microsoft to patch the hole proactively, and here we are!
The idea is simple – create a global platform for reporting and fixing vulnerabilities in open source projects before they do damage.
WhiteSource, the leader in open source security and license compliance management, announced support for GitHub Packages and with it the ability to automate container security. GitHub customers...
GitHub this week announced GitHub Security Lab, a new initiative aimed at making open source software more secure. read more
GitHub, the world’s largest open source code repository and leading software development platform, has launched GitHub Security Lab. “Our team will lead by example, dedicating full-time resources...
Let's all have a code audi- oh, wait, they did that already Encrypted email biz ProtonMail has open-sourced the code for its iOS app, having paid for a code audit that says there's nothing wrong with it.…
Let's all have a code audi- oh, wait, they did that already Encrypted email biz ProtonMail has open-sourced the code for its iOS app, having pre-emptively paid for a code audit that says there's...
Semmle's flaw-finding queries can be shared and used on multiple projects On Wednesday, Microsoft's GitHub said it has acquired Semmle, a San Francisco-based software analysis platform for finding...
Microsoft-owned GitHub announced on Wednesday that it has acquired code analysis platform provider Semmle and the company is now a Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) Numbering Authority. read more
GitHub is the latest company to support WebAuthn, a new standard that makes logging into online services using a browser more secure.