Security News

Security researchers sinkholed EITest infection chain
2018-04-16 15:12

Security researchers have managed to neutralize “EITest,” one of the oldest infection chains and thus preventing as many as two million potential malicious redirects a day. About EITest EITest...

Security bods lierate EITest malware slaves
2018-04-16 03:58

Miscreants' command and control network traffic sent down sinkhole One of the world's longest-lived malware networks, EITest, has gone offline.…

Researchers Sinkhole Deep-Rooted "EITest" Infection Chain
2018-04-13 16:33

Proofpoint on Thursday said that it has managed to sinkhole what could be the oldest “infection chain” out there, which redirected users to exploit kits (EKs), social engineering schemes, and...

Persistent EITest Malware Campaign Jumps from Angler to Neutrino (Threatpost)
2016-05-23 17:08

The tenacious EITest malware campaign is being refueled by the fact it is shifting from the Angler exploit kit to the Neutrino exploit kit.