Security News

Google DNS Service ( Now Supports DNS-over-TLS Security
2019-01-10 08:48

Almost every activity on the Internet starts with a DNS query, a key function of the Internet that works as an Internet's directory where your device looks up for the server IP addresses after you...

How to use Cloudflare encrypted DNS on Android
2018-12-10 21:56

If you're looking for an easy means of enabling encrypted DNS on Android, the Cloudflare app is the way to go. Defaced via DNS Hijack
2018-12-10 06:46

The community website was defaced last week after someone gained access to its associated registrar account and modified DNS settings. read more

Mozilla Testing DNS-over-HTTPS in Firefox
2018-11-30 21:28

Mozilla is moving forward with yet another project designed to provide users with increased security: it is now testing DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) in Firefox stable. read more

Threat Actor Targets Middle East With DNS Redirections
2018-11-28 21:08

A previously undocumented threat actor has been targeting entities in the Middle East with new malware and DNS redirections, Cisco’s Talos security researchers say.  read more

New Cloudflare DNS App Brings Increased Privacy for Mobile Devices
2018-11-12 18:43

Web security and performance company Cloudflare is making it easier for smartphone users to secure their Internet connections, courtesy of a new DNS resolver app for mobile devices. read more

'The inmates have taken over the asylum': DNS godfather blasts DNS over HTTPS adoption
2018-10-23 09:59

Can those who need lookup privacy afford architectural purism? The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has formally adopted DNS-over-HTTPS as a standard, and reignited a debate over whether...

Most Fortune 50 companies unprepared for major DNS attack
2018-10-11 05:45

ThousandEyes has found that 68 percent of the top 50 companies on the Global Fortune 500 rankings are not adequately prepared for the next major attack on the DNS. Additionally, researchers found...

Google’s Intra app secures older Androids with encrypted DNS
2018-10-05 10:19

DNS encryption is the Next Big Thing in web encryption and Google doesn't want Android users to miss out.

Jigsaw releases Intra, an Android app that encrypts DNS queries to thwart online censorship
2018-10-04 13:36

Alphabet subsidiary and tech incubator Jigsaw, which concentrates on creating solutions for “the toughest geopolitical challenges,” has released Intra, an Android apps that encrypts DNS queries....