Security News

Australia vulnerable to cyber terror
2007-05-16 05:25 By Asher Moses May 15, 2007 The computer systems powering Australia's essential services,...

Australia tests cyber-terrorism defences
2006-02-10 07:08

Forwarded from: William Knowles By Louisa Hearn February 9, 2006 Australia is today...

The brazen airport computer theft that has Australia's anti-terror fighters up in arms
2003-09-05 07:20

Forwarded from: Christian Wright By Philip Cornford September 5, 2003 On the night of Wednesday, August 27, two men dressed as computer...

Australia leaves the hack door open to cyber sabotage
2003-04-08 11:17 By Nathan Cochrane and Sue Cant April 8 2003 Next Australia's critical information infrastructure is at risk because of the Federal...