Security News > 2024 > August > APT41 Hackers Use ShadowPad, Cobalt Strike in Taiwanese Institute Cyber Attack

APT41 Hackers Use ShadowPad, Cobalt Strike in Taiwanese Institute Cyber Attack
2024-08-02 16:32

A Taiwanese government-affiliated research institute that specializes in computing and associated technologies was breached by nation-state threat actors with ties to China, according to new findings from Cisco Talos.

The unnamed organization was targeted as early as mid-July 2023 to deliver a variety of backdoors and post-compromise tools like ShadowPad and Cobalt Strike.

"The ShadowPad malware used in the current campaign exploited an outdated vulnerable version of Microsoft Office IME binary as a loader to load the customized second-stage loader for launching the payload," security researchers Joey Chen, Ashley Shen, and Vitor Ventura said.

The exact initial access vector used in the attack is not known, although it involved the use of a web shell to maintain persistent access and drop additional payloads like ShadowPad and Cobalt Strike, with the latter delivered by means a Go-based Cobalt Strike loader named CS-Avoid-Killing.

"The Cobalt Strike malware had been developed using an anti-AV loader to bypass AV detection and avoid the security product quarantine," the researchers said.

Alternately, the threat actor was observed running PowerShell commands to launch scripts responsible for running ShadowPad in memory and fetch Cobalt Strike malware from a compromised command-and-control server.

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