Security News > 2024 > July > Overlooked essentials: API security best practices

Overlooked essentials: API security best practices
2024-07-17 04:30

In this Help Net Security, Ankita Gupta, CEO at Akto, discusses API security best practices, advocating for authentication protocols like OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect, strict HTTPS encryption, and the use of JWTs for stateless authentication.

Use shift left tools to catch authentication and authorization issues early in the development process, ensuring that security is a foundational aspect of your API. What metrics or indicators should organizations focus on to detect and respond to API security threats?

In my experience, there are six important indicators organizations should focus on to detect and respond to API security threats effectively - shadow APIs, APIs exposed to the internet, APIs handling sensitive data, unauthenticated APIs, APIs with authorization flaws, APIs with improper rate limiting.

What are some of the best practices for API security that you believe are often overlooked by organizations?

One of the most overlooked best practices in API security is properly managing API endpoints throughout their lifecycle.

DevSecOps and the shift-left API security strategy will become the default way of running application security programs across sectors.

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