Security News > 2024 > July > Managing cyberattack fallout: Financial and operational damage

Managing cyberattack fallout: Financial and operational damage
2024-07-12 04:00

In this Help Net Security, Ashley Harrington, Director of Cybersecurity at Aspida, discusses the impact of cyberattack on business operations and financial health.

Beyond immediate disruptions and financial burdens, cyber incident can severely damage a company's reputation among customers and partners.

The program must be tailored to the specific size and scope of the business, incorporating key elements such as risk management, data protection, identity and access management, secure configurations, network security, vulnerability management, third-party risk management, continuous monitoring, incident response, and security training.

Integrating security into the software development lifecycle allows for 'shifting left' on security, embedding it early in the process rather than adding it post-development, "Baking security in, rather than bolting it on" thereby increasing efficiency and reducing the need for rework due to later-found security issues.

Building a strong security culture within an organization is crucial, as it encourages all employees to take security seriously and actively participate in safeguarding practices, fostering a collective responsibility towards maintaining secure operations.

Ensuring close collaboration between IT, development teams, and security teams is essential for effective patch management, threat modeling, and thorough vulnerability assessments, which all help in identifying and mitigating potential security weaknesses.

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