Security News > 2024 > July > EU General Data Protection Regulation Policy

EU General Data Protection Regulation Policy
2024-07-10 16:00

The EU General Data Protection Regulation is a comprehensive set of rules designed to keep the personal data of all EU citizens collected by any organization, enterprise or business safe from unauthorized access or use.

The GDPR went into effect on May 25, 2018, and the provisions in the law greatly affected the manner in which every business transaction involving EU citizens is conducted.

This customizable EU General Data Protection Regulation Policy, created by Mark W. Kaelin for TechRepublic Premium, will give you a head start on building guidelines that fit your company's circumstances.

Any request for consent, declaration of terms or statement of privacy must be presented clearly and concisely without any ambiguity of meaning.

All statements regarding personal data will be easily accessible from every page on the customer-facing website.

Download for $9 or Access all downloads for $299/yr*.

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