Security News > 2024 > July > Navigating Europe’s digital identity crossroads

Navigating Europe’s digital identity crossroads
2024-07-08 08:54

The trouble is that while we think of the world as a digital one, digital identity is a problem yet to be solved.

As a blueprint for the national digital identity schemes, eIDAS 2.0 introduces the concept of the EU digital identity wallet.

The digital identity landscape in Europe is a fragmented patchwork of different national and pan-regional regulations.

The national identity card, which everyone has, includes a digital identity, but it is hardly used.

While not a priority for UK businesses operating domestically, the development and use of electronic IDs do offer opportunities to interface with European digital identities and identity verification systems to attract more right-first-time customers from Europe and prevent fraud.

Signicat is already developing integrated digital identity solutions that cover all of Europe and with a global reach in identity proofing, trust orchestration, authentication, and digital signatures.

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