Security News > 2024 > June > 75% of new vulnerabilities exploited within 19 days

75% of new vulnerabilities exploited within 19 days
2024-06-27 03:30

Last year alone, over 30,000 new vulnerabilities were published, with a new vulnerability emerging approximately every 17 minutes - averaging 600 new vulnerabilities per week, according to Skybox Security.

The report highlights a critical gap in remediation efforts, with the average time to patch exceeding 100 days, contrasted against the finding that 75% of new vulnerabilities are exploited in 19 days or less.

The mean time to exploit plummeted to just 44 days in 2023, with a concerning 25% of vulnerabilities exploited the same day and a staggering 75% within 19 days.

Traditional vulnerability scanning methods struggle to keep pace with today's surge in vulnerabilities.

A modern vulnerability management approach integrated within a continuous exposure management program becomes crucial to combat shrinking remediation windows.

Continuous vulnerability identification: leveraging automated techniques to discover new vulnerabilities across systems and networks constantly.

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