Security News > 2024 > June > Panera Bread likely paid a ransom in March ransomware attack

Panera Bread likely paid a ransom in March ransomware attack
2024-06-17 19:55

No ransomware gang ever claimed the attack or leaked stolen data, indicating that a ransom was paid.

Just as the data breach notifications were being emailed on Thursday, an alleged employee claimed on Reddit that Panera paid paid a ransom to have the hackers delete the stolen data and avoid a public leak.

"This probably will not make it far but just got out of a corporate meeting where they broke to us that all our data has been stolen since march and they paid the hackers to"not release" its employees data," reads the Reddit thread by an alleged Panera employee.

The anonymous employee also shared an internal email from Panera Senior Vice President KJ Payette, which backs up the ransom payment claim by stating that Panera obtained assurances that stolen data was deleted and would not be published.

Eventually, the data leak for United Healthcare disappeared from this data leak site, indicating another ransom was likely paid.

Panera warns of employee data breach after March ransomware attack.

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