Security News > 2024 > June > AWS unveils new and improved security features

AWS unveils new and improved security features
2024-06-12 15:21

At its annual re:Inforce conference, Amazon Web Services has announced new and enhanced security features and tools.

To facilitate the concerted push to get customers to secure their accounts with multiple authentication factors, AWS has added support for FIDO2 passkeys as a second authentication method.

"If you're already using another form of MFA like a non-syncable FIDO2 hardware security key or authenticator app, the question of whether or not you should migrate to syncable passkeys is dependent on your or your organizations' uses and requirements," Arynn Crow, Senior Manager of User Authentication Products for AWS Identity, explained.

"Because their credentials are bound only to the device that created them, FIDO2 security keys provide the highest level of security assurance for customers whose regulatory or security requirements demand the strongest forms of authentication, such as FIPS-certified devices. It's also important to understand that the passkey providers' security model, such as what requirements the provider places for accessing or recovering access to the key vault, are now important considerations in your overall security model when you decide what kinds of MFA to deploy or to use going forward."

"Your development and security teams can work together to configure and oversee malware protection throughout your organization for select buckets where new uploaded data from untrusted entities is required to be scanned for malware," says Channy Yun, a Principal Developer Advocate for AWS. "You can configure post-scan action in GuardDuty, such as object tagging, to inform downstream processing, or consume the scan status information provided through Amazon EventBridge to implement isolation of malicious uploaded objects."

AWS Audit Manager's AI best practice framework has been updated.

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