Security News > 2024 > June > FBI warns of fake remote work ads used for cryptocurrency fraud

FBI warns of fake remote work ads used for cryptocurrency fraud
2024-06-04 20:33

Today, the FBI issued a warning about scammers using fake remote job ads to steal cryptocurrency from job seekers across the United States while posing as recruiters for legitimate companies.

The FBI says that red flags that should warn those targeted by these scams they're dealing with fraudsters coming for their money include being asked to make cryptocurrency payments to the employer as part of a work task, job descriptions involving simple tasks, and not being asked to provide references from previous jobs during the hiring process.

The FBI asked victims to report if they've been targeted by fraudulent or suspicious activities to the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center(IC3) and provide transaction details associated with the scam, including cryptocurrency addresses, the amount and type of cryptocurrency, the date and time, and the transaction ID. This August 2023 public service announcement provides additional reporting guidance for those who may have fallen victim to a cryptocurrency scam.

Since the start of the year, the FBI has also warned that using unlicensed cryptocurrency transfer services can result in financial loss if these platforms are taken down by law enforcement.

FBI warns of gift card fraud ring targeting retail companies.

FBI warns of fake verification schemes targeting dating app users.

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