Security News > 2024 > June > Businesses must prioritize digital trust to avoid major problems

Businesses must prioritize digital trust to avoid major problems
2024-06-03 04:00

As organizations pursue digital transformation, they urgently need to prioritize digital trust to achieve their goals and prepare for future market opportunities, legislation, and regulatory compliance, according to ISACA. The ISACA State of Digital Trust 2024 report finds that 77% of respondents agree that digital trust is crucial to digital transformation and 82% say digital trust will grow in importance over the next five years.

Despite this recognition, almost 71% report that their organization provides no staff training on digital trust and only 21% of organizations plan to increase their budget for digital trust.

76% of business and IT professionals believe digital trust is relevant to their organization, and 65% say it is important that organizations be independently graded on digital trust practices, with the results made publicly available.

ISACA defines digital trust as confidence in the integrity of the relationships and transactions between providers and consumers within a digital ecosystem.

Dimitriadis adds: "It is not down to business leaders alone to lead the charge - digital trust practices should be implemented and aligned across all departments to truly succeed. Our survey has found that many businesses are unsure on what improving digital trust requires in practice, but working with a trusted partner who can provide a step-by-step framework and assist in digital trust training can set the business on the right path to success and security."

According to the survey, only 15% of respondents' organizations currently use a framework for their digital trust practices, but 46 % of respondents believe it is extremely/very important for an organization to have a digital trust framework.

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