Security News > 2024 > May > Ransomware operators shift tactics as law enforcement disruptions increase

Ransomware operators shift tactics as law enforcement disruptions increase
2024-05-27 03:00

Ransomware remains one of the most pressing cybersecurity threats in 2024, with attackers continually evolving their methods to maximize impact and evade detection.

In this Help Net Security round-up, we present excerpts from previously recorded videos featuring cybersecurity experts discussing ransomware-related topics such as payment practices, the recent surge in ransomware attacks, and more.

Jordan Schroeder, Managing CISO at Barrier Networks, discusses ransomware payment practices.

Steve Winterfeld, Advisory CISO at Akamai, discusses the recent surge of ransomware attacks in the US and how it relates to microsegmentation.

Michelle Alvarez, Strategic Threat Analysis Manager at IBM X-Force, discusses the 2024 X-Force Threat Intelligence Index, revealing top threats and trends the team observed last year across its global engagements and how these shifts are forming the threat landscape in 2024 and beyond.

Jeremy Nichols, Director, Global Threat Intelligence Center at NTT Security Holdings, discusses a recent surge in ransomware incidents.

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