Security News > 2024 > May > WebTPA data breach impacts 2.4 million insurance policyholders

WebTPA data breach impacts 2.4 million insurance policyholders
2024-05-17 14:45

The WebTPA Employer Services data breach disclosed earlier this month is impacting close to 2.5 million individuals, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services notes.

A recent update on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services data breach portal shows that the number of affected individuals is 2,429,175.

WebTPA informed benefit plan providers and insurance companies of the data breach on March 25, 2024.

Multiple health plan and insurance organizations have published notifications saying that the WebTPA data breach has impacted some of their customers.

In the data breach notification, WebTPA has included instructions on how to enroll for two years of credit monitoring, identity theft protection, and fraud consultation services through Kroll, which is possible until August 1st. Although WebTPA says it's not aware of any cases of misuse of the exposed data, affected individuals should remain vigilant for communications from potential fraudsters and refrain from sharing any personal or financial information in such cases.

Kaiser Permanente: Data breach may impact 13.4 million patients.

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