Security News > 2024 > March > Finding software flaws early in the development process provides ROI

Finding software flaws early in the development process provides ROI
2024-03-29 04:30

The Consortium for Information and Software Quality estimates that the cost of poor software quality in the United States reached $2.41 trillion in 2022.

It's also completely avoidable, and software flaws must be avoided with the world's increased dependency on software.

Setting the public safety and privacy issues of software quality aside, the cost of poor and insecure software to individual companies is high - and there's a clear return on investment in finding these flaws early.

It's in every organization's self-interest to improve the software quality they create and do so as early as possible in the development process.

Enterprise software development teams at many organizations are not finding security-related software flaws as they write their software.

These advantages make a compelling case for integrating security testing early and throughout the software development process.

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