Security News > 2024 > March > 1% of users are responsible for 88% of data loss events

1% of users are responsible for 88% of data loss events
2024-03-20 05:00

While organizations are investing in ​Data Loss Prevention solutions​, Proofpoint's report shows ​that those investments are often inadequate, with 85% of surveyed organizations experiencing data loss in the past year.

"Careless, compromised, and malicious users are and will continue to be responsible for the vast majority of incidents, all while GenAI ​tools are​ absorbing common tasks-and ​gaining access to ​confidential data ​in the process​. Organizations need to rethink their ​DLP​ strategies to address the underlying cause of data loss-people's actions-so they can detect, investigate, and respond to threats across ​all ​channels​ their employees are using​ including cloud, endpoint, email, and web."

Proofpoint data shows that 1% of users are responsible for 88% of data loss events.

These findings indicate that organizations must ​prioritize​ best practices such as using data classification to identify and protect business-critical data and the "Crown jewels," as well as monitoring people with access to sensitive data or admin privileges.

"​Strategies such as implementing purpose-built ​DLP​ platforms can help advance security programs by enabling security teams to gain full user and data visibility into all incidents and address the full spectrum of human-centric data loss scenarios​.

Humans are a critical data security variable-and data loss prevention programs must recognize this.

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