Security News > 2024 > February > CVE Prioritizer: Open-source tool to prioritize vulnerability patching

CVE Prioritizer: Open-source tool to prioritize vulnerability patching
2024-02-19 06:00

CVE Prioritizer is an open-source tool designed to assist in prioritizing the patching of vulnerabilities.

The tool leverages the correlation between CVSS and EPSS scores to improve efforts in fixing vulnerabilities.

"CVE Prioritizer's standout feature is its customizable thresholds for vulnerability prioritization. This flexibility allows security teams to adjust the tool's output to align with their organization's risk tolerance. By enabling teams to fine-tune how priorities are assigned, the tool adapts to diverse security postures. It allows security teams to make informed decisions based on their unique contexts," Mario Rojas, the creator of CVE Prioritizer, told Help Net Security.

Rojas developed the CVE Prioritizer to tackle the ongoing challenge that security teams encounter in prioritizing patches effectively.

"My goal is to streamline vulnerability management workflows by enabling the tool to ingest reports from popular vulnerability scanners and export results in JSON format. This will facilitate seamless integration with other security tools and platforms, making CVE Prioritizer an even more versatile asset for security teams," Rojas concluded.

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