Security News > 2024 > January > Watch out for "I can't believe he is gone" Facebook phishing posts

A widespread Facebook phishing campaign stating, "I can't believe he is gone. I'm gonna miss him so much," leads unsuspecting users to a website that steals your Facebook credentials.
The phishing campaign started around a year ago, with Facebook having trouble blocking the posts as they continue to this day.
The Facebook phishing posts come in two forms, with one simply stating, "I can't believe he is gone. I'm gonna miss him so much," and containing a Facebook redirect link.
While it is not known what the stolen credentials are used for, the threat actors likely use them further to promote the same phishing posts through the hacked accounts.
Visiting the phishing pages from a desktop computer causes a different behavior, with the phishing sites redirecting users to Google or other scams promoting VPN apps, browser extensions, or affiliate sites.
As this phishing attack does not attempt to steal two-factor authentication tokens, it is strongly advised that Facebook users enable 2FA to prevent their accounts from being accessed if they fall for a phishing scam.