Security News > 2024 > January > Key elements for a successful cyber risk management strategy

Key elements for a successful cyber risk management strategy
2024-01-15 04:30

In this Help Net Security interview, Yoav Nathaniel, CEO at Silk Security, discusses the evolution of cyber risk management strategies and practices, uncovering common mistakes and highlighting key components for successful risk resolution.

We hope to find the 'golden' indicator for which risk will eventually lead to a breach, but until that day, security teams need to holistically incorporate several layers of risk factors to determine business risk and drive justifiable communications.

What are the key components of an effective cyber risk management strategy?

Effective cyber risk management involves discovering risks and doing something proactively about those risks.

Cyber risk management is a team sport - everyone needs to be aware and actively engaged with their own potential risks in order for the organization to have a winning program.

I've personally led successful F100 cyber risk resolution programs and am now providing a platform for all organizations to manage their cyber risks more effectively.

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