Security News > 2023 > December > Verification roadblocks cause frustration for digital nomads

Digital nomads are expressing the most frustration when interacting with organizations offering services in the United States, according to Regula.
The most painful verification processes for nomads in the USA are linked to specific stages: crossing the border, checking into a hotel, renting accommodations, activating a new mobile phone or SIM card, and securing a rental car.
Digital nomads in the UAE and US tend to apply for work permits more frequently than their counterparts elsewhere.
Just imagine the bureaucratic labyrinth of numerous registrations, verifications, and account openings with essential organizations in a new location that must be navigated by nomads within just a few weeks or a month.
Digital nomads often lack a fixed residential address, making it hard to furnish traditional proof-of-residency documents like utility bills or rental agreements.
"Verification poses a daunting task for digital nomads as each country and business enforces its unique rules, often lacking streamlined processes for foreign document verification. In the era of global mobility, businesses and nations cannot ignore this new breed of customers and need to carefully review their users' journeys to elevate the standards of identity verification processes, making them both simple and secure," said Henry Patishman, EVP of Identity Verification Solutions at Regula.
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