Security News > 2023 > December > Today's 'China is misbehaving online' allegations come from Google, Meta

Today's 'China is misbehaving online' allegations come from Google, Meta
2023-12-01 02:59

Meta and Google have disclosed what they allege are offensive cyber ops conducted by China.

The op wasn't pro-Beijing, but Meta found in mid-2023 "a small portion of this network's accounts changed names and profile pictures from posing as Americans to posing as being based in India."

The same posts were on the radar of a further 13 accounts and seven Groups that Meta also booted from Facebook.

In Meta's estimation, these networks and individuals originated in China and targeted primarily India and the Tibet region, with some action directed at the US. Beijing fosters foreign influencers to spread its propaganda Chinese citizens feel their government is doing such a fine job with surveillance China's top bank ICBC hit by ransomware, derailing global trades Microsoft, recently busted by Beijing, thinks it's across China's ever-changing cyber-offensive.

Meta's not alone in concluding that China likes to use social platforms to advance its cause.

Google apparently tracks over 100 attack groups it thinks are Beijing-backed, Morgan told Bloomberg.

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