Security News > 2023 > November > Ransomware-hit British Library: Too open for business, or not open enough?

Ransomware-hit British Library: Too open for business, or not open enough?
2023-11-27 09:30

Isaac Newton sculpture outside the British library Pic: Sampajano Anizza/Shutterstock.

What makes the British Library an intriguing victim is the sort of work it does.

The thing about the British Library is that it shouldn't have that many secrets to protect.

Assuming cybersecurity is basically a worm-eaten sponge, how far can you write it out of the system? The British Library would be an excellent test bed for these ideas.

That's why the British Library won't be seen as a chance to rethink how public service security can be made better by not seeing it as just another off-the-shelf proven-broken system.

After the triumph of Sputnik, he became a pillar of the scientific establishment: irony enough that one day he may earn a spot alongside Newton outside the British Library.

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