Security News > 2023 > November > 4 warning signs that your low-code development needs DevSecOps

4 warning signs that your low-code development needs DevSecOps
2023-11-14 06:30

Traditional on-premises and pro-code development teams have invested heavily in DevSecOps tooling, but many low-code development teams don't believe these tools are necessary.

If your low-code team is resistant to DevSecOps tools, here are four early warning signs that you should be considering a tool to help manage your releases.

A good DevSecOps tool will ensure the proper tests and compliance checks are run at just the right time.

Without an automated DevSecOps tool, the team will have to manually move stories into the correct status column.

A well-designed DevSecOps tool will automatically update the progress of user stories through the pipeline and flag dependencies early, so your teams can focus on getting to done in the right order.

A good DevSecOps tool will understand these arcane dependencies and flag them before the deployment is ever attempted, ensuring a clean release the first time and every time.

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