Security News > 2023 > November > Data protection demands AI-specific security strategies

Data protection demands AI-specific security strategies
2023-11-10 04:30

When asked what significant initiatives their company is taking on in the next 12 months, 80% of respondents said their top priorities were data security related initiatives - such as implementing stronger data governance and security controls, and modernizing data architectures with new concepts like data mesh - while only 20% noted integrating AI into business processes will be a top priority.

"With the rapid onset of AI solutions and ongoing push to migrate data to the cloud, data leaders are now grappling with how to prioritize data security, agility, and visibility. They need solutions that provide both proper data protection and the flexibility to use data to drive value," said Matt Carroll, CEO of Immuta.

"Without the foundation of a strong data architecture and data security strategy in place, it will be impossible for organizations to safely integrate AI into their processes. Business leaders must design AI-specific security strategies that include the right protocols and policies to protect data," added Carroll.

88% of data leaders believe that data security will become an even higher priority in the next 12 months, ahead of AI. With 80% of data professionals indicating that their data protection capabilities are better than they were a year ago, it's likely budgets and resources will increase as data security continues to be a growing priority for business leaders amid today's evolving threat landscape.

Similar to findings from last year's report - which found that 63% of data professionals lacked visibility into data access controls - data access remains a major security obstacle for teams: 33% of respondents cited a lack of visibility into data sharing and usage as their biggest security challenge, and that they have missed business opportunities as a result.

At the same time, 56% note that data security processes slow down access to data, meaning that over half of organizations are sacrificing some level of data-driven value for essential security outcomes - trading agility for trust and compliance.

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