Security News > 2023 > October > Security leaders have good reasons to fear AI-generated attacks

Security leaders have good reasons to fear AI-generated attacks
2023-10-25 03:30

Generative AI is likely behind the increases in both the volume and sophistication of email attacks that organizations have experienced in the past few months, and it's still early days, according to Abnormal Security.

Their leading worry is the increased sophistication of email attacks that generative AI will make possible - particularly, the fact that generative AI will help attackers craft highly specific and personalized email attacks based on publicly available information.

Despite widespread concern, the vast majority of security leaders are not adequately prepared to protect against AI-generated email attacks.

The research highlights an opportunity for an alternative approach with AI-driven security as the next frontier of email protection, as 92% of survey participants see the value in using AI to defend against AI-generated email threats.

"The good news is that cybersecurity leaders recognize the need for a modernized approach to email security-one that puts AI at the center," continued Reiser.

"With generative AI making it possible to create never-before-seen attacks at scale, it's no longer enough to look for known indicators of compromise. There is a huge opportunity for security leaders to tap into the power of AI to effectively stop advanced attacks targeting their organizations-regardless of whether they were generated by AI or created by humans."

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