Security News > 2023 > October > The evolution of deception tactics from traditional to cyber warfare

The evolution of deception tactics from traditional to cyber warfare
2023-10-18 04:30

Cyber warfare and cyber attackers are an ever-present threat, as state-sponsored bad actors and individual cybercriminals alike continue to evolve their tactics.

Due to the changing nature of cyber threats and attack methods, defense strategists often struggle to discern whether a cyberattack is classified as an "Armed attack" or an "Imminent armed attack." Unlike traditional military attacks, cyberattacks can originate from anywhere, and attackers often leverage sophisticated tactics to obscure the perpetrator's identity.

This subtlety, combined with the constant evolution of cyber operations and capability, blurs the boundaries between random attacks, espionage, sabotage, and acts of warfare.

Although not all countries or groups or individuals will adhere to international laws, having a clear understanding of the legal dimensions of cyber warfare will help clarify unacceptable parameters of attacks, including, for example, the loss of critical infrastructure systems that could harm large numbers of civilians.

The risk of misinterpreting cyber incidents as malicious attacks can inadvertently signal hostility, transitioning a digital conflict into traditional warfare.

Can you discuss the ethical dilemmas faced by military and state cyber operators when considering "Hack back" or "Attack back" options, especially given the potential risks of misidentifying the original attacker?

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