Security News > 2023 > October > Red Cross lays down hacktivism law as Ukraine war rages on

Red Cross lays down hacktivism law as Ukraine war rages on
2023-10-04 19:03

The International Committee of the Red Cross, the humanitarian protection organization responsible for promoting international law, has set out eight rules for hacktivists and another four for states to discourage civilian involvement in cyberattacks against other countries.

The rate at which civilians are becoming involved in international conflicts has been described as "a worrying trend" by the ICRC - a phenomenon exacerbated by the ongoing war in Ukraine, which has seen for the first time conflict taking place in both the physical and digital space concurrently.

Specifically named by the ICRC was the IT Army of Ukraine - the vigilante band of hacktivists that assembled early in the war using the Telegram messaging platform - as an example of civilians joining war efforts.

Many of the rules echo the unspoken code of conduct that's generally understood to be in place in the cybersecurity world, that attacks should not harm civilians or target hospitals, charities, and similar organizations.

"IHL sets out essential rules to limit the effects of armed conflicts on civilians. No one that participates in war is beyond these rules," said the ICRC. "In particular, every hacker that conducts operations in the context of an armed conflict must respect them, and States must ensure this is the case to protect civilian populations against harm."

"The ICRC rules of engagement are sensible, ranging from not directing cyber-attacks against civilian objects to complying with these rules, even if the enemy does not. However, any cyber offensive team which tried to adhere to 'these noble goals' would be at a significant disadvantage." Curran added that in the mindset of these keyboard warriors "All destruction within the enemies' borders is justified - nothing is off the table."

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