Security News > 2023 > September > Has Sony been hacked again?

Has Sony been hacked again?
2023-09-26 10:04

Vc, a relatively new ransomware / cyber extortion group, claims to have hacked Sony and made off with valuable data.

"We have successfully compromissed all of sony systems. We wont ransom them! we will sell the data. due to sony not wanting to pay. DATA IS FOR SALE," the group wrote on their leak site on Sunday.

Sony has yet to provide a comment on the situation and either deny or confim a possible breach.

"If the claims are accurate, it is essential Sony takes remediation action immediately. This includes running forensics to understand what data has been stolen and then working to reduce its value by updating systems."

"Additionally, Sony must also inform impacted parties so they can be on guard for phishing scams and be alert for further attacks. The incident will also act as a reminder to educate employees on the serious risk posed by cybercrime today and the need for them to be vigilant for attacks. This means being on guard for phishing and social engineering scams, and also improving corporate defences by removing credentials from the hands of employees."

In 2014 came the massive Sony Pictures Entertainment hack, which has been linked to state-affiliated North Korean hackers.

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